
I'm New Here
Hey guys. Pricing out a panel for an RV-8 or Rocket.

Here is what I am looking at:
Garmin G3X DUAL Screen
GNS 430
GMA 240
GTX 327

Looking for standby suggestions. Is there any decent small efis backup with an on board battery?

Any other items do I need for a full IFR panel?

Dynon sells the D6, which is a 3.5" EFIS. Comes with full attitude, airspeed, altitude, magnetic heading, vertical turn rate, and ball. All for $1600, plus $130 if you want an internal backup battery.

Available today, based on the EFIS-D10A we have been selling for 8 years, and gives you full attitude and heading information, not just turn rate, vertical speed, and GPS ground track. You can even do AoA with it.
