
Well Known Member
I sent in my hard earned cash on a -3 emp this morning! I can't wait to get this here and start doing some building after dreaming for about 8 years now! Now, its time to find some used tools!! Doug, your finders fee will be in the mail once I get the form! Hope you spend it in the right place!;)
Sorry man, I hate to be the one to tell you, but there was no mail today. The order is still sitting in the mail box! However, officially, legally, it has been mailed!


Congratulations! It's a big step to take the plunge. Now the real fun starts.
Congratulations! Now just don't paint it purple, and we'll get along fine. :)

Luckily, Van's was open and I faxed the order in! I called about 5 hours later to make sure they got it. I can really call myself anxious now!

I sent in my hard earned cash on a -3 emp this morning! I can't wait to get this here and start doing some building after dreaming for about 8 years now! Now, its time to find some used tools!! Doug, your finders fee will be in the mail once I get the form! Hope you spend it in the right place!;)

Congratulations Stephen, I know it has been a long time comming.
Congrats Stephen!

The -3 builders are taking back the streets, baby!!! :)

Simplify and add lightness...(love that quote)
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Congrats... Good to see another builder from Conroe. I grew up there. Spent many years at Montgomery Cty airport, (my dad kept his Comanche 400 there).... I too will be ordering my 7 emp in the next month or so.
Thank you all for the encouragements! It will def not be purple! I checked the bank account and it has been withdrawn so it should be on the way soon! I hope that I can get this thing going fairly quickly, but I know there will be challenges! Just got the tracking # and it will be here on Monday!
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Stephen, welcome to a distinguished minority... RV-3 builders. Most all pilots appreciate the fine qualities of the RV-3, but only the truly bold dare actually to build one!
The kit made it to me today! Way earlier than I thought! Only thing missing from Van's are the control horns for the elevators!
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