
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
One thing that the EAA has discovered during the past couple of months of COVID-19 is that their webinar series has been a hit! Vic has "sold out" a couple of them, and I did one where we maxed out the 1,000 participant limit as well. I was asked by HQ (yeah, they're getting desperate...) to do one on a "space topic", so we've scheduled a talk about what it was like to be inside Mission Control during missions of the shuttle era - and coincidentally (wink, wink), it is on the day that my book is being released.

This is just a public service announcement for those who want to register in case it fills up.... and fellow Mods, Doug approved (requested?) this post.

Shuttle, Houston ? a Look Inside Space Shuttle Mission Control
Tues, Jul 14, 2020 7 - 8:30 p.m. CDT

Presenter: Paul Dye

Former NASA lead flight director and EAA member Paul Dye provides a compelling look inside 30 years of space shuttle missions, relaying stories of missions and their grueling training in vivid detail. Paul examines the split-second decisions that mission control and astronauts were forced to make in a field where mistakes are unthinkable, and errors can lead to the loss of a national resource, and more importantly the astronaut crew. This presentation is based on Dye?s new book, Shuttle, Houston, set for release on July 14 of this year.

Registration link: