Jr Hampton

Active Member


After starting a 7A approx 7 years ago and throwing in the towel early, I finally was able to pull the trigger on a flier. 2004 6A. 0320. First time aircraft owner. Now I just need to get transition training. 15hrs of it :). Excited/nervous/ in disbelief I own and airplane now. Anyways condition inspection due in July. So while I wait on transitioning, Im going to rip into her with an A&P and hopefully some help from local FYV guys and get to know every nut and bolt ans system. Wish me luck. Now I get to start really donating to Mr Doug.
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Congratulations. You own a time machine! Some of us want to build, some want to fly, some want to or need to do both. Fly often, don?t let it sit!

Thank you builders!!!

Welcome! I am just finishing my first Condition Inspection. Here is a checklist I used made by one of the very active contributors on this site. It really helped me out. Hope it's helpful you and your Mechanic too.


page down to:

Van's RV Aircraft Sample Condition Inspection Checklist
Congrats .. I've been watching Charlie's ad, and it sure looks like you've got yourself a nice airplane.
Congrats .. I've been watching Charlie's ad, and it sure looks like you've got yourself a nice airplane.

Charlie is a character. He held off about 5 other cash buyers as I worked with my bank/insurance and all. I think he really wanted to be able to still see her fly. Everything really just came together on this. Was about to buy a 6A from Delaware, but no hangars here in FYV or close. The city let me take over lease on Charlie's and effectively jump 27 spots on the list.
A really good one......

I watched that plane being built not far from me. Kept up with its progress regularly. Jack was a real craftsman, you have a very, very well built plane.
Good for you !
I watched that plane being built not far from me. Kept up with its progress regularly. Jack was a real craftsman, you have a very, very well built plane.
Good for you !

Im hearing that a lot. You guys are making me feel more and more confident in my decision. Lets just say i bought this on a good feeling about Charlie and at least I did speak to the A&P who has done the CI for the last 9 years. Scary thing, still have not even heard it run. :eek: That's going to change as soon as the spring decides to get to the south again.
Congratulations!!! Way to go. I wondered what ever happened to your project.

Glad to hear you're flying. Sometimes I wish I had gone that route.
Congratulations!!! Way to go. I wondered what ever happened to your project.

Glad to hear you're flying. Sometimes I wish I had gone that route.

Well Hello Gil ! Yes it took me awhile. I threw in the towel early on building. And going to take a while it loks like to find an CFI with 6A to get my 15hrs dual. Especially with this virus. May end up heading to Oregon for a week or so. Hope all is well in TX and with your build. NWA is growing too fast. LOL.
Hello and welcome aboard. You'll love this forum as much as I do !!

Great color, reminds me of my current Bumblebee !

You're just a couple hours away so if you're ever in our neck of the woods you can count on hangar space here by my plane

Enjoy every minute of your transition training. I learned so much during the process of getting comfortable in our 9A and became a better pilot for it.

We have a few extra Card Machine Works hats, one happens to be a standard yellow (looks paler in the picture than it actually is) and the other a very attention grabbing yellow. I'd be happy to send you one if you need it to finish the ensemble. Just send a PM with your address.

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Enjoy every minute of your transition training. I learned so much during the process of getting comfortable in our 9A and became a better pilot for it.

We have a few extra Card Machine Works hats, one happens to be a pale yellow and the other a very attention grabbing yellow. I'd be happy to send you one if you need it to finish the ensemble. Just send a PM with your address.


The right one is exactly the color of my 1966 E100 above !
After the longest Conditional in history.....

It's finally time to fly. Did a lot of work on Tweety. Rebuilt FAB, Installed Crow 5 point harnesses, installed tailbeacon, new plugs<-JESUS they are expensive. Last item on list , transponder check, completed today. During down time made a POH and checklists. Have some speeds to figure out for the POH. 15 hrs transition awaits. Im excited and now NERVOUS :D