
Well Known Member
Hi ya'll,

So I sold my RV about two years ago and I'm now looking for a new recreational project (at least until a prepunched RV3 kit comes out ;-)). Since I'm a software geek (with some experience with machine learning) I'm considering making a web based engine/airframe logbook/plotter app. This would be a webapp where you could drag/drop your EMS log files (or manually enter data) and it would keep a lifetime engine/aircraft log. Kinda like Dan's logshare site but for airframes/engines rather than pilots.

I hope ya'll don't mind me asking if this would be a useful thing to spend a few months constructing? (i.e. I think this is a fairly RV specific topic but don't want to break Doug's rules).

I've poked around on the web and I can't find anything like this and it seems like a fun/useful thing - but I don't want to waste my time if it is either not useful or already exists ;-).

This leads me to a bunch of questions...
  • Do you have any opinions on this?
  • Does it seem useful to you?
  • Is someone already doing this? (i.e. should I not bother)
  • I presume I'd need to parse Dynon, Garmin, GRT and MGL log files. Anything else?
  • I'd provide nice plots of CHTs etc... possibly overlayed with map positions (if available)
  • Heuristics to warn user of slow or rapid trends in unusual engine data
  • Import of oil analysis reports
  • Online airframe/engine logbooks
  • Various types of service checklists and reminders
  • Would you be interested in beta testing this? (and of course open to all at VAF after the worst bugs are out)

I hope everyone is doing great!

How would this differ from Savvyanalysis? I see a few different features named but that already exists and is free.
I've wanted to do something similar for some time, web based so that it could be maintained and accessed from many different devices. FAA approved digital signatures.

Only difference is that mine was going to be for all logs, pilot, airframe, engine, etc.

I'd be willing to beta test or help.

How would this differ from Savvyanalysis? I see a few different features named but that already exists and is free.

Heh! It does look quite similar. Thanks - I hadn't heard of that site! I think I might just find a different project ;-)