Gopro Hero3+ Silver
Photos captured every 60 seconds
Frame rate is 15 per second.
Used Gopro Studio to make video.
Thanks! I have done similar in the past when working on my lathe but used shots every 10 seconds and felt there were too many frames. I thought 1 minute intervals would be too long but your video proves otherwise. Thanks for the info.
Great video! You work fast! It was fun watching the sun come up and go down through the window. Talk about a marathon build session! :D
I put the gopro in a skeleton frame and mounted it to a tripod upside down from the ceiling. Power cord full time to camera. I take the camera inside about every 1000 photos and download them to the Mac.
Do you start/stop at every work session or doing some sort of motion sensitivity?

How are you handling all the storage requirements? a 1920x1080 jpg is roughly 350kB, so one per minute for ~2000 hours is 42GB... which I suppose isn't really that much anymore nowadays :)
Do you start/stop at every work session or doing some sort of motion sensitivity?

How are you handling all the storage requirements? a 1920x1080 jpg is roughly 350kB, so one per minute for ~2000 hours is 42GB... which I suppose isn't really that much anymore nowadays :)

Not even a full SD card anymore. If only battery technology could keep up with storage...
I use a 32 or 64GB SD card (can't remember which), so plenty of storage space. I keep it plugged into the power adapter full-time, so no power issues for me. The Gopro Hero3+ has wifi, so I power it up and operate it with the Gopro app on my smart phone. The Gopro 4 has bluetooth, which would be even cooler, but more money.
I use a 32 or 64GB SD card (can't remember which), so plenty of storage space. I keep it plugged into the power adapter full-time, so no power issues for me. The Gopro Hero3+ has wifi, so I power it up and operate it with the Gopro app on my smart phone. The Gopro 4 has bluetooth, which would be even cooler, but more money.

So you just start/stop when you are in the shop?
Yes, i just start and stop it manually. I use my smart phone app occasionally, but usually just reach up and start it manually. Push one button to power camera and another to start the photo shoot. Very quick and easy.
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I'm really hoping you turn off the camera before cleaning up because, if you don't, then you are the NEATEST builder I have ever seen :D Your shop is immaculate. I don't think mine was EVER that clean...
Looking great!

I've been timelapse on my 10 build since day 1. 1500 hours later, the end is in sight! I have my timelapse mapped so that 1 hour of work is 1 minute of video.

Keep up with it. I find that it's hard to go out to work on the plane for a short amount of time (like 15-30 minutes), just because of the extra work to set up the timelapse.

I loved the visit by the dog near the end...but I didn't see a wife/significant other show up...other than the dog! :eek:
I'm really hoping you turn off the camera before cleaning up because, if you don't, then you are the NEATEST builder I have ever seen :D Your shop is immaculate. I don't think mine was EVER that clean...

Thanks. I try to stay clean and organized, which is not in my nature. If I turned the camera 180 degrees to the non-RV side of the shop, you wouldn't be quite so impressed. :eek:
I loved the visit by the dog near the end...but I didn't see a wife/significant other show up...other than the dog! :eek:

The dog generally does not like being in the shop. I had just pulled her in because she was barking at and chasing deer in the yard. My neighbor told me last week that they're passing a law that says you can shoot a dog if it's chasing deer. What's up with that? My wife comes around occasionally, but has learned that she rarely gets my full attention in the shop. That'll change in a hurry when I need an extra hand in the build.
Very entertaining

The light in the windows and the shadows coming and going is very cool.
The wing ribs stacking up and down over and over again is great. That really captures the essence of that part of the build
Loved the video. It looks like you are having fun! Keep at it! I never did sell the 9, had some tire kickers but no one serious. Essentially, it motivated me to keep at it. I picked up the **** cleco pliars again today for the first time in a long time and what do you know...I made some progress. Thanks for the motivation!
Loved the video. It looks like you are having fun! Keep at it! I never did sell the 9, had some tire kickers but no one serious. Essentially, it motivated me to keep at it. I picked up the **** cleco pliars again today for the first time in a long time and what do you know...I made some progress. Thanks for the motivation!

Thanks Aaron
I knew you resumed building on your 9 awhile back, but thought you were also toying with a Factory Five possibility. Glad you are still in the game.