Todd Bynum

The ancient Chinese proverb, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" best describes the feeling I have today.

I looked back this morning to see that I joined this forum in September of 2015. I have simply been a silent observer on and off over the years witnessing the successes and defeats, and joys and struggles of many of you. Thank you for allowing me to sit on the sideline and watch. I suspect most of you will relate to the range of emotions a would-be aircraft builder experiences leading up to finally taking the plunge. Currently for me, I'm in the elated, overwhelmed, and ready to get started stage. It's reminds me of Christmas when I was 13 and received my first radio controlled airplane kit - a Sig Manufacturing Kadet Jr. I couldn't wait to get started then and nothing is different now.

This past week, I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of two individuals who have chosen to (reluctantly) let go of their respective desire to build their own airplanes and, as a result, I have become the proud new owner of a partially built RV-14A empennage and will become will become the recipient of an uncrated wing kit later this week.

Tomorrow, I turn 55 years old. With the blessing of my beautiful wife and a goal of balancing my faith, my family, and my career, I have set a (perhaps metaphorical) 1000-day goal of building and flying my own flying machine.

I know I will learn much from this amazing group of inspiring people and I hope in some small way I can contribute and perhaps inspire others as I progress along my path.

Let the journey begin!
The ancient Chinese proverb, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" best describes the feeling I have today.
Tomorrow, I turn 55 years old. With the blessing of my beautiful wife and a goal of balancing my faith, my family, and my career, I have set a (perhaps metaphorical) 1000-day goal of building and flying my own flying machine.

Let the journey begin!

Sounds like you have a good mindset. My only difference was, because of your first statement, I did not have the end goal time frame. because it is a long journey, one step at a time, the goal I set was just putting in 20 hours of shop time per week. The finish date was too far off to be relevant each week. It was done when it was done but I was in my late 30s.
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The ancient Chinese proverb, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" best describes the feeling I have today.

I looked back this morning to see that I joined this forum in September of 2015. I have simply been a silent observer on and off over the years witnessing the successes and defeats, and joys and struggles of many of you. Thank you for allowing me to sit on the sideline and watch. I suspect most of you will relate to the range of emotions a would-be aircraft builder experiences leading up to finally taking the plunge. Currently for me, I'm in the elated, overwhelmed, and ready to get started stage. It's reminds me of Christmas when I was 13 and received my first radio controlled airplane kit - a Sig Manufacturing Kadet Jr. I couldn't wait to get started then and nothing is different now.

This past week, I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of two individuals who have chosen to (reluctantly) let go of their respective desire to build their own airplanes and, as a result, I have become the proud new owner of a partially built RV-14A empennage and will become will become the recipient of an uncrated wing kit later this week.

Tomorrow, I turn 55 years old. With the blessing of my beautiful wife and a goal of balancing my faith, my family, and my career, I have set a (perhaps metaphorical) 1000-day goal of building and flying my own flying machine.

I know I will learn much from this amazing group of inspiring people and I hope in some small way I can contribute and perhaps inspire others as I progress along my path.

Let the journey begin!

Congrats,Todd! It will change your life. Your goal of 1000 days is reasonable esp. if you work most days on the project. If you're interested, I've broken down the time per section in my blog (link in signature, below).
