
7 years ago I was early in my PPL training, pre solo. I had grown accustomed to the stodgy appearance and 2,000' take off roll of my club's overloaded Cessna 150. (Instructor and I put it over gross)

My instructor and I were taxiing for takeoff. KANE Blaine, MN. A plane from the other side of the field got takeoff clearance first so I held short. Oh my God it was beautiful. Low slung, tail dragging thing looked like it was going 200 in the taxiway. "What is *that?" I asked. My instructor replied "oh, that's one of those RV's. You build them at home. Watch it take off". It rolled forward what looked like 100' and then left almost vertically. My jaw hung slack, I knew I had to have one.

I've lurked here every since, dreaming but knowing it was outside of my space and finances. Then my boys got into that youth sports age and I had no time to fly at all. I dreamed of an 8, but knew the 9a would better suit my intended mission if touring with my wife. (Who made it to almost 300' agl in the c150 on her only flight before demanding to land). The 8 just seemed selfish.

As my boys time with sports of rapidly coming to an end I've been more intent on making this happen. I showed my wife paint schemes, seating arrangements, asked her opinion on pretty much anything that would affect her experience should I every get her back in a small aircraft. (Hey opinion is that the 747 is nice, but anything smaller flies "bumpy", including a 737). Finally she hit me with it. "Honestly, I'm not really interested in flying around in your little airplane". There it was.

I pick up my 8 tail kit later this month. I'm shopping for tools. You're all a bunch of crack dealers. šŸ˜

If you know who has that 6 or 7 with a high end paint job, blue and silver with a fading checkered flag down the length of it, it's his fault. Thank him for me.

Welcome to the club Dave!

You will not be disappointed. Your story is very familiar if you lurk here long enough. I actually started my plane before I had ever riden in one.

I received the intro kit in 2002. Got pretty excited but decided what am I thinking trying to do something like this. Then in early 2004 I started looking again. Aug 4 2004 the tail kit showed up on my door step.

Next a week later I am standing in front of my workbench in the garage about halfway thru the HS and the thought came into my head "what the heck are you doing, you have never even flown in one of these what if you don't like it". I told a buddy i met at EAA meeting and he said meet me at the airport this Saturday and I will take you up in mine.

The rest is history. Aug 23, 2012 I witnessed my planes first flight. Then on 9/24/12 I did my first flight and life began!

Get ready for the ride Dave.... you won't ever regret it.
Great story Knievel! I love the crack comment and blaming your addiction on that RV you saw. I was given my first ever ride in a plane at the young age of 7 lighting my fire for flying, by my cousin who made a career flying for Alaskan Airlines. He retired a few years ago and now flies the B-17 for the EAA, (He got me a ride in that too!). He was flying the B17 at Oshkosh a couple years ago. As I was walking out of the Bose tent after spending ANOTHER grand on a new headset, the B17 was flying over and I knew he was flying it. I looked up and said to him, "All this money I've spent on planes, flying and this aviation stuff well... This is all your fault!" :)

54 years later and I'm still addicted!


Loved your comment,

ā€œI pick up my 8 tail kit later this month. I'm shopping for tools. You're all a bunch of crack dealers. ��ā€

Similar thing happened to me at Creve Couer Airport in St. Louis in 2004. I saw this really cool looking red, white and blue RV-4 on the ramp doing 100 mph just sitting there. The owner walked up, I said ā€œwhat is itā€ and the next thing I know weā€™re flying it around the pattern. Most expensive ā€œplane rideā€ I ever had. Sold my Citabria the next month and been in an RV ever since.

As Dan alluded to above: ā€œResistance is futileā€, welcome to the crack club
Great intro! I was somewhat happy with my Cherokee 140 until I rode in a friends RV-8. I hated the Cherokee after that day and soon found a -7A kit that needed a new owner. Been broke ever since!
If you know who has that 6 or 7 with a high end paint job, blue and silver with a fading checkered flag down the length of it, it's his fault. Thank him for me.

Sounds like Peter Frueling, look familiar?
Great intro! I was somewhat happy with my Cherokee 140 until I rode in a friends RV-8. I hated the Cherokee after that day and soon found a -7A kit that needed a new owner. Been broke ever since!
Speaking of being broke, I got two cool t-shirts at SnF this year. One, a freebie from Stein Air, has their slogan on the back: "We're not happy until you're broke!" The other, a purchase from PilotMall - "Caution, Aviation May Be Hazardous to Your Wealth."