
Well Known Member
This was our 3rd OSH and the first time we've flown in.

1. The Flight: We flew up from Northern Virginia IFR with the intent of canceling before reaching our filed destination (KUNU) and flying the VFR arrival to OSH. Yes it was longer to go up this way (especially fighting 30+knot headwinds), but as a new IR pilot, I wanted the practice of flying in the system. About 100NM south of UNU we cancelled when Madison Approach told me to standby for a route amendment, but they had me retain my squawk until about 25 miles from Ripon. The RIPON-FISK-OSH arrival was uneventful and we flew the railroad track to runway 27. This was Sunday afternoon around 1PM local time.
2. After Landing: I made a decent landing and exited 27 south into the grass where the marshallers directed us to HBC. Enroute a scooter follow-me picked us up and took is to HBC row 310 and put us about halfway down right in the middle of a giant depression in the field. We shut down and the family promptly went to find the bathrooms. Meanwhile, I got the welcome brief and we started a discussion on whether being in the depression was a great place to camp. I was tired and really didn't care at that point, but before I started to unload an "old hand" (this gentleman wore white coveralls and a red ball cap) drove up in a gator and said authoritatively "I'm moving you because if it rains you don't want to be here." I'm glad he did as he put us in row 323 just one spot north of the concrete hard-stand that's next to the showers which ended up be a great location for us. At that point got the plane tied down, the tent put up, and everything unpacked. After that we looked a around for a welcome wagon, but after a few minutes we just decided to walk over to Homebuilt Hq to register. Oh and at no point when we taxied into HBC did anyone ask where we preferred to park via the 1-2-3 number system. It appeared to me the follow-me guy's process for parking selection, based upon where planes were already parked, was totally random although I assume there was actually some method to the madness.
3. Sunday Night RV-10 Dinner: Bob Leffler and gang put on a fantastic event. It was great to start putting faces to names.
4: Monday Night Concert: I like all kinds of music but generally listen to Rock (2/3's) and Country (1/3). As a result, it happens that I'm a Dierks Bentley fan and had seen him in concert before, and I thought his show at OSH was awesome. The crowd was easily twice as big than the ones for Foreigner and REO Speedwagon which we saw on our previous visits. Watching Dierks and Jack Pelton shotgun beers together on-stage was priceless. My only regret is that by the time the concert was over the RV social was too. We went over but folks were leaving (I was told the kegs were dry) so we hoofed it on over to the SOS Bros to wet our whistles.
5: The Event: Another great OSH. The weather was great except pretty windy at times, especially noticeable back at the campsite where we thought our tent was a goner at times, but it held up. Got my Garmin GTX 23ES updated and bought a few odds and ends from various venders. Picked 4 free Jeppesen hats and when we were walking around wearing them, we received some coupons for a few more free giveaways. We spent most of the show simply wandering around gawking at airplanes. Nitpick #1 -- Water. IMO EAA needs to take over the bottled water concession and sell it at cost vs the $2 the venders charge. I have no issue with the cost of the other food items, but the water price is really a kick in the nads.
6. Fly-in Theater: 2011 was our last OSH so my memory is probably just fuzzy, but I thought the picture and sound quality had improved significantly. We completely enjoyed ourselves watching Unbroken. Nitpick #2: The pre-show commentary needs to be either started sooner (it was already plenty dark to see the movie) or done away with all together. I want to see the movie not 20 min of chit chat; after all we've already been sitting there for about an hour as the place fills up pretty fast.
7. Showers/Latrines: We all thought the shower trailers were great, as were the flush bathrooms. The porta potties were well maintained. I go to a lot of outdoor events throughout the year and the OSH potties are hands-down the most pleasant to use -- even my wife doesn't complain. We'd like to see some more power outlets as they always seem to be full when we're back at HBC --some more power strips at the very least would help.
8: Departure: We went to breakfast around 7AM, checked out of the campsite, and got our departure briefing. We pulled the plane out around 0750 and were about to load up when a wing walker rode up and told us the airport was closed due to a crash). After a 3 hour engine start delay (due to the Meridian accident) and multiple calls to FSS to extend the departure times on the IFR flight plans I had filed the day before, we got the thumbs up to start and the mad dash was on. We got in line and the FAA guys and volunteers did a great job getting all of us out as fast as humanly possible--took us about 30 minutes from engine start until we were cleared for takeoff on 36.We departed VFR and proceeded to Dells VOR per the NOTAM IFR procedures where we picked up our IFR clearance and made an uneventful flight back to Manassas.

Overall, everyone enjoyed the trip, including my 2 teenagers who really aren't into aviation. Next year the consensus is we need to stay for the whole week like we did when we drove up. Kudos to EAA, FAA, and all of the volunteers -- another awesome event! :D
We took 4 bottles of water and refilled them at every water fountain except the one at the south tram transfer. That water was horrible. Tasted like someone bled in it.
Seriously, this. There's free water everywhere on the grounds. Bring a nalgene bottle with and forget paying $2/bottle.

Seriously -- I know that. For my own reasons, I don't prefer that option and I'll leave it at that. After all it was just a nit pick--YMMV. Everything else was fantastic and I only wish we could have stayed longer.
Another great experience

I have gone most years since '78 but this being the first time camping in the HBC area. The hospitality was great and the shuttle was definitely a plus. Air conditioned showers and flush toilets are a real luxury. This was a new experience being in HBC with VAC or Camp Sholler being my usual stomping grounds. Water was up to 2 bucks at Vintage and $3.50 at the commercial places. Brought a few bottles and mostly did the refill method. Didn't realize I was that close to a soft serve ice cream tent until late in the game. The ice cream is a tradition with us at OSH since '78. Zaug's had great ice cream for a buck for years.

Here is video of our arrival. Ripon - Fisk - OSH27/orange dot - make the 13 diagonal turn-off. Pavement all the way to the campsite.
This was our 3rd OSH and the first time we've flown in.

...We'd like to see some more power outlets as they always seem to be full when we're back at HBC --some more power strips at the very least would help.
Curious why looking at the thousands of planes all week long, I only noticed one sizable solar charger for the electronic devices. It was mine. I take it with me to every fly in where I overnight. Keeps my booster battery charged easily. I'd think an RV-10 owner/operator would have the means and load carrying capability for a solar charger!

I did get the sign asking about "1, 2 or 3" by the marshalers at HBC. And the showers were about 300' away and phenomenal!! Port-o-can was about 200' away, and always very clean and line (queue) free. Wonderful trip for me!! Very glad I stayed 6 nights. Can we do it again next week?? :) BTW, that spigot over on the south side of HBC provided some very cold water!!
charging electronics etc

We ended up driving up from South Alabama and camped in a tent by our car. With the cool dry air that blew Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings it was great. Anyway... charging elec devices. I have a battery pack actually two of them. The larger capacity one is 15000 MAH's. It charged my iPhone I think 5 times and my girlfriends phone twice and it still shows one light of four lit. If you're charging ipads/tablets of course it would use it up faster. I also have a 6000 MAH charger. These work great and will work in the plane too. The 15K charger is an Anker and the 6K one is a Mophie.

I?ve attended AirVenture for about 20 of the past 25 years and it has come to be the look-forward-to summer highlight. This year, however, was the first time I brought my daughter, Amelia. Amelia is ten and, lets say, possessed a ?casual? attitude toward aviation. Although I was aware of KidVenture, not having a kid in tow, I never really paid much attention to what was going on there - until now. Frankly, I was blown away by the variety of activities and the commitment of all the volunteers who worked with the seeming endless parade of kiddos.

For those unaware, one of the hangars at Pioneer Airport is split down the middle. The right side offers an introduction to piloting (a mini ground-school), and the left side offers activities geared toward maintenance (A&P). By 2:00 on Thursday, Amelia finished her ?ground school? activities which culminated in a simulated flight from OSH to FLD. While the simulated fence at FLD didn?t fare too well, she had fun a certainly learned a lot (not to mention the pride of earning a certificate as well as a spiffy backpack and ?wings?). Friday morning I asked Amelia if she wanted to go back to KidVenture and without hesitation said, ?oh yeah, I?m GOING to get that tool box?. The tool box was the ?prize? for completing all 8 of the maintenance activities ? and she did. Dad just had to lug it around for the rest of the day (a small price to pay).

Shame on me for not getting the names of at least some folks who really stood out, dedicated their time, and really made an effort to teach the next generation of aviators. Also thanks goes out to the corporate sponsors like Hartzell, Cleveland and UTC ? to name a few. Both Amelia and I really thought it was, ?Totally Awesome?.

Steve Campbell
Dayton, OH
My first time ever to OSH, and I was flying in solo, so I was pretty concerned about how it was all going to go...thought I would share how it went for me and my thought process...

On the way up, I had my son with me to visit friends at KMSN, so I dropped him off and decided to go to OSH with full tanks...just in case. In most cases for me, the more fuel I have, the smarter (and better looking?) I am...and I wasn't let down this time, either. Filled the RV, emptied the pilot, snagged a cookie at the FBO counter and got to see the CAF Privateer up close on the way back to my parking spot in was all good, so far.

While I thought my arrival timing would allow me to avoid the mass arrivals gaggles, I hadn't factored on the weather that had blown thru OSH earlier that day, as a result things had been pushed back such that when I was inbound to OSH, they shut off arrivals for the Mooney gaggle and had the rest of us go into the hold over Green Lake. (+1 on my decision to leave MSN with full tanks, I'm already thinking...)

So, I'm getting to see the hold over Green Lake and the varied demonstrations of what 90KIAS and 1800' MSL is (with guys carping/giving instruction at each other about it too...) so I decide to keep my mouth shut, eyes and ears open and just fly my bird about the pattern as best as I can till they open it back up again.

Sure enough, Fiske starts taking arrivals again in about 20-30 minutes, and as they do I learn a lot just from listening to the radio-how they're working the traffic flow, verbiage, pacing, etc. In fact, I felt my IQ going up 20 points for every circuit I made about the by the time I make 3 turns in the hold, I'm confident about what to expect, what will be said, and what I need to do to make it work on my was great confidence booster over just reading the NOTAM and going in cold turkey.

In fact, I'd strongly recommend it as a course of action for anyone's first time into OSH, in retrospect. Especially if you're solo. I now consider showing up with lots of fuel and taking an extra voluntary turn (or 2) about Green Lake to be 2 of my best decisions of that long, eventful allowed me the confidence and peace of mind to really "enjoy" the rest of the arrival and landing into OSH, and then sit for a quiet moment in my parking spot after the prop stopped and reflect upon the "bucket list" item I had just accomplished!

It was a great way to start the week!


Rob S.
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I brought a case (28 bottles) of bottled water with me ( Sams Choice brand from Walmart) mostly because I needed some extra weight in my right front seat) and took half of it back home with me. Not necessarily an option for those who fly in with a passenger but works great if you're flying in solo in a side-by-side RV.
Curious why looking at the thousands of planes all week long, I only noticed one sizable solar charger for the electronic devices. It was mine. I take it with me to every fly in where I overnight. Keeps my booster battery charged easily. I'd think an RV-10 owner/operator would have the means and load carrying capability for a solar charger!

I did get the sign asking about "1, 2 or 3" by the marshalers at HBC. And the showers were about 300' away and phenomenal!! Port-o-can was about 200' away, and always very clean and line (queue) free. Wonderful trip for me!! Very glad I stayed 6 nights. Can we do it again next week?? :) BTW, that spigot over on the south side of HBC provided some very cold water!!

We actaully had a Sunjack with 2 batteries. It charged our cell phones and Ipads all week. We even use it at home and haven't used a wall charger in months. :)
