That's pretty slick! I'll have to look into the gimbal and see if it can handle the load of something bigger than a GoPro. I really like the idea, just really don't need yet another $$$ camera toy when we already have a camcorder.
Hmm... What happens in a roll, or a loop? Does the gimbal mechanism orient to gravity?

That's a good question Rob. The Gimbal does seem to get a little confused at times, wondering "which way is up". But for the most part it remembers it's initial position upon boot-up, like in the section of the video where the horizon stays level while the RV turns.
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I continue to be amazed at the talent demonstrated on this forum. As someone who has had to watch so many videos that are jumpy almost make you sick, this is cool! Nice work Smitty!
can you buy one of these on the hobbyking website? I mean without your mods of course but I see that its a model airplane type product by the eflite logos..

I have a contour but have struggled to find good ways to mount it
I ordered the gimbal off one the hobby shop websites for model airplanes, but you can also get one here:

Here's where I got the battery and charger:

The gimbal was designed to be mounted on a multi-rotor. I found out about the gimbal from a friend at work who flies them.