
Well Known Member
Here is a photo of my little helper tonight:


I think she may have the aviation bug WAY WAY early in life :) My daughter, Acacia Grace, is just over a year old, and she sat on the the workbench while her mom and I attached some nut plates on the new wing spars.

I am really glad her mom was able to sneak this photo, It will be one that I cherish for a long time. Sometimes you build more than just an airplane in the shop.

Happy building for those that are building with me, and happy flying to those that have theirs airworthy. Go out and make some memories!

EDIT: Yes, we didn't use the rivet gun while she was in the shop, and all my drilling/countersinking had been done the night before :) The squeezer is almost silent.
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Building while babysitting

It can be done. Just make sure you turn off your compressor. Do not ask me how I know.... :eek:


Of course, it makes it easier if they can't escape...
Luckily, my compressor is a good ways away from my shop, in a utility room attached to the garage. I have 3/4" line plumbed into the downstairs (unfinished living space thats just studded out) which I am using as my "airplane factory".

I do have a playpen in the shop for her so she can occupy herself with colorful toys when cleco's just isn't entertaining enough. hah.
Start em early.

I can sleep through an earthquake now due to the rhythmic hum of a 2hp compressor under the house as a baby.
Here is my boy inspecting the flap brace on my 3B wing, this was awhile ago and he is now grown enough to sit in the cockpit and almost reach the rudder pedals. One of the reasons (a good one) why it is taking forever to build, started before he was born...
Keep telling him the plane will be his one day and another good reason to build it properly.
Acacia is a doll.

Her top gun handle has to be Ace!

She takes after her mom in the looks department. hah. I am not sure how interested Acacia is going to be in aviation, but I am going to do my best to get the spark going. Maybe one day she will do her training in the RV-7 that we are building together.
Had to believe that I built my RV-6 with the help of 3 small children. Zach loved coming to "Mr. Vic's Hangar" to help.
