
Well Known Member
My Grandpa passed today after a courageous 6 year battle with multiple cancers. His original diagnosis was grim back then(3-6 months), but he battled until he couldn't do it anymore. Today, at 8:12am his last battle was lost. He was surrounded by family when he passed. I am so glad he is in a better place with no pain. He helped me buck a few rivets on my -3 Emp, so you know that will be a special piece in the airplane whenever it gets done. Pa, I love you and miss you terribly! See you again one day!!
The circle of life is painful sometimes. Sorry you have to deal with it. Get that bird in the air and name it after him. He will be honored that you thought of him.
My dad and I built our -3 together. Some of the best times were spent on the plane. Now that he's gone, everytime I go flying in the -3, he is there with me.
So Sorry

I remember the day I lost my Grampa, the only one I had.

He was an aviator with his license signed by one of the Wright Bros.

He taught me how to fish, and told me about flying in "the good old days"

I am so sorry for your loss today. The memories live on and the pain is taken over with gratitude just for being there whenever you could, and knowing he would feel the same way.
Honor Flight

You have my condolances for your Grandfather passing. It was good of you to honor him on this site. You can see support here, to you, for him.

My Grandfather took my Grandmother on a first date prior to their marriage. The date: He flew her in a J-3 Piper Cub to the horse races. Then flew her home. Army Air Core just trained him. He has passed away also. I know this loss. My next flight will be in his honor.

Fly your plane in his honor my friend.
my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

lost my dad a couple weeks ago and i still think about calling him every day. strange feeling to get used to.