Alvaro Lopez

I'm New Here
I wonder if you could help me with my GPS.

My avionics is Garmin G3X, with a screen GDU 460, GPS Module 20A, Transponer GTR 200, GPS antenna GA36 and my Aircraft is RV-12iS, E-LSA category.

Let me tell you what my situation is: when avionics are first powered on, the GPS shows as “acquiring signal” for several minutes. Then, an error message alerts “GPS receiver needs service” .Also, when going to System Information screen, in configuration mode, the system does not show any network or communications error, it only shows “Receiver Fault”.
After doing several tests (taking aircraft out and away from hangars, exposing GPS antenna directly to the sky by removing upper fiberglass cowl, leaving the antenna exposed to the sky for over an hour to see if it would “lock-in” on GPS), we went ahead and disconnected the GPS antena from the GPS20A to then plug (and configure) the GA36 antenna straight to the PFD, which resulted in perfectly good satellite reception and proper geo-location of the aircraft, ruling the antena and antena cable out. CAN bus connector/wiring was also ruled out, since the GPS20A is properly identified by the G3X system while plugged-in and it shows no comms/network issues.

I have contacted Garmin customer service and they send me two news GPS20A (GPS modules) cause they though that probably the GPS module is bad, but the problem occurs again, a Tucson Garmin dealer tried to help me but the only solution he found was to install a second antenna and connect it directly to the PDF , but actually there are many RV12iS receiving WAAS with a single GA36 antenna connected to the GPS module.

I don't know if what happened to me was because at first I ordered my avionics from VANS without interest in installing ADSB-IN and a second screen.

Do you think this could affect?

Has anyone been through this before?

the installation of a second GPS antenna is the solution?
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If I understand this correctly, you are using one antenna and splitting it to 2 GPS receivers? If that is the case, you can't do that. Each GPS must have it's own antenna.
I wonder if you could help me with my GPS.

My avionics is Garmin G3X, with a screen GDU 460, GPS Module 20A, Transponer GTR 200, GPS ANTENNA 36A and my Aircraft is RV-12iS, E-LSA category.

Let me tell you what my situation is: when avionics are first powered on, the GPS shows as “acquiring signal” for several minutes. Then, an error message alerts “GPS receiver needs service” .Also, when going to System Information screen, in configuration mode, the system does not show any network or communications error, it only shows “Receiver Fault”.
After doing several tests (taking aircraft out and away from hangars, exposing GPS antenna directly to the sky by removing upper fiberglass cowl, leaving the antenna exposed to the sky for over an hour to see if it would “lock-in” on GPS), we went ahead and disconnected the GPS antena from the GPS20A to then plug (and configure) the GPS 36A antenna straight to the PFD, which resulted in perfectly good satellite reception and proper geo-location of the aircraft, ruling the antena and antena cable out. CAN bus connector/wiring was also ruled out, since the GPS20A is properly identified by the G3X system while plugged-in and it shows no comms/network issues.

I have contacted Garmin customer service and they send me two news GPS20A (GPS modules) cause they though that probably the GPS module is bad, but the problem occurs again, a Tucson Garmin dealer tried to help me but the only solution he found was to install a second antenna and connect it directly to the PDF , but actually there are many RV12iS receiving WAAS with a single GPS antenna (36A) connected to the GPS module.

I don't know if what happened to me was because at first I ordered my avionics from VANS without interest in installing ADSB-IN and a second screen.

Do you think this could affect?

Has anyone been through this before?

the installation of a second GPS antenna is the solution?


There is no such thing as a "GPS 36A" antenna.

As explained in the G3X Touch Installation manual, the GPS 20A should use either a GA 35 or a GA 36 antenna, and neither of those 2 antennas should ever be connected to your GDU 460 as they are incompatible.

What antenna are you really using with your GPS 20A?

While it is a good idea to have a GA 26C antenna connected to your GDU 460 PFD so that you are not reliant on a single GPS (the GPS 20A), it is not required.

I only have one only 20A GPS receiver connected, what I tried to say is that Garmin sent me two 20A GPS's because they thought my first 20A is bad and the second 20A they sent me is also possibly bad too.
Hi @Longez

You're right!! The antenna is a GA36. I connected the antenna to the PDF just to see if the antenna is receiving a satellite signal and to rule out that the antenna is the problem
Hi @Longez

You're right!! The antenna is a GA36. I connected the antenna to the PDF just to see if the antenna is receiving a satellite signal and to rule out that the antenna is the problem

If your GPS 20A and GA 36 are good, it must be an installation or coax problem.
