
Well Known Member
Most single rv-4 & RV-8 pilots are looking for that special travel companion - the "girl/guy in back". I'm no different.

When she first came into my life eight years ago, we traveled a lot. That was before my airplane so that was all road miles - 10,000+ a year. We had. Lot of fun and visited a lot of places.

Now with the RV-8, I hoped it would be the same. Sadly, the first couple of short flights were not so much fun for her. The airplane was hot and didn't give her the sence of secure safety she needed to relax.

I vowed to try harder this year to make RV Tavel fun for both of us. A few changes to the RV-8 and I think I may have just succeeded!

We did a lazy 45 minute flight today. It was hot and humid out but we were both pretty relaxed and she seemed to be much more comfortable this time. Even the turbulence below a cloud layer only brought a small rise from her.

I don't think we'll make it to Rick's café but "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Photographic proof :D
She might be a little happier if you raised the cage up a few inches where she could see out over the canopy edge. My dog loves to ride around in the pickup with me with paws up on the edge of the window sill watching the world go by. Not much fun if all they can see is blue sky.
My name is Gib....and I have been called a Dog:) But I think your G.I.B. is a looker. I have a Weenier dog that goes a lot of places with me. She has never been in an airplane, she is a little out of control sometimes. I think she would be fine but I don't think I would be able to fly and keep her under control.

Any chance you could post a picture of how you handled the vent? Last night Wife informed me we'll be traveling with Merle (our Sheltie pup) when I finish the 9A. While I didn't ask, I am assuming Wife will occupy the right seat and Merle will be crated in the baggage compartment. His comfort will come first, so odds are I'll be tweaking vents soon.
Greg - I spend a week test fitting to find something that works. if I had a welding setup, I could make a custom crate that could be taller in the middle.

To raise the crate would require it be signification shorter that 20". As it is, the canopy handle on the left and retainer on the right *just* clear the top of the crate. I'd need to lose about 4" on the left and 1-2" on the right.

Ideally, I'll build a crate that has a dome that will come up into the canopy a little. But, given the critical nature of sun-shade, the top of the crate still needs to be covered.

Don - Below is the prototype "snorkel" that I fabb'd. Once I had the right fit, I made a final version 'sans aluminum tape'. I started by fitting a PVC splice connector to the hole where the vent is. This makes it easy and quick to remove the snorkel when there is a PIB (person in back). I scored the outside of the coupling in a corkscrew and then used a file to make it deeper. The coupling now "screws" into the sheet metal faring around the rear vent.

The snorkel is just a piece of PVC that fits into the coupling. I cut two wedges - a very narrow one on the back side and a more significant one on the front - and then bonded the parts back together. I ended up tapering the lip to fit the available distance to the crate.

Thanks Glen. You've given me an idea to adapt.

Also curious if you put any hearing protection on the D-I-B?
Gib - the crate solves my concern for Zen deciding she wants out. I'd rather she be pissed at me at the end of the flight than he be loose and the flight end prematurely.

Don - I have been contemplating the noise issue. I tested the plane and it's around 96dB. I then tested my lawn mower from a few feet and it was about the same. Zen isn't phased by the mower and this far does not seem phased by the airplane noise.

I still have more test flights to do - a couple more local and then a couple 1hr trips. If she is still a happy camper, then we'll tackle the 3.5hr trip to visit family. I really want this to work out.
Glen I agree with 100%, but my little doggy I don't think would sit in a cage for any amount of time before she would start to fuss and distract me, like during a cross wind landing or something to that nature.
Gib - in that case, best to leave little puppy home. I will see how my gradual increase in time and distance goes !
My pup is to little she would get lost in the back of the truck if I took the seat out.
