[email protected]

Well Known Member
Fast and low is exciting... can be too exciting! Sure glad that we did not have to contend with birds.

I pulled my track log and imported it into google earth to evaluate... VERY interesting to see the story brought to life with wiggles and turn overshoots

Here is a snapshot of the whole course. Just over 208 miles with 5 turn points.

I started the race climbing with a bit of a dive towards the start line to bring the speed up to full race mode with the engine drinking in nearly 17 gallons an hour. In this shot you can see the start and finish along with the line out to the first turn point. I started out around 2800 and climbed the first leg to 3300.

Leaving the first turn we picked up good winds and I climbed to 4000

On to the second turn with a tight hairpin I gave up some altitude to keep the speed up.

I botched the line coming out of the turn.

During the long third leg to the dam I slowly gave up altitude down to 2600.

Then kept low to the forth turn at Mansfield coming up to 3300 for the turn...

I really botched the line out here...

Slow decent then a bit of a climb to get back up over the ridge leading into the final turn.

I gave up a lot of altitude at the tight Quincy turn but did a good job holding a heading to the finish and made a slow decent to the line.

Very pleased with my course time of 56:26 for an average speed of 221.41 mph :)

I ran a good race but the track log and google earth show room for much improvement.

Quite a lot of fun getting together with many folks from VAF. Much more fun than a static display or a pancake breakfast!

Come on out and play!
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You done Good! I wish my lines were remotely that straight. I need to start prerunning the courses. Nice camping out with You and Melissa.

See you in Three Forks
That's movin Stephen, nice job!

Dumb question: Aside from altitude choices for wind and nice turns, do you just give her all she's got the whole time? Lean to best power?
go all out and give it as much as you can get...

Energy and engine management to get the most you possibly can... shortest distance in the fastest speed ;)
This is good to see

It was good to meet you at Ephrata Steve and I'm glad you shared the enjoyment of the event. It seems like the northwest has a lot of the right kind of enthusiasm for this sport - similar to Texas - and Spruce Creek. It was a long trip for me but I intend to be in Montana for the Big Sky Race on the 7th of July - you're a good bunch of folks to be around.

One very special moment for me after our race when I was standing there on the ramp kind of semi tired, trying to decide whether to stay another night in the room I had already paid for or to head back to Arkansas. I hear this low smooth moan of a motor coming from the glider area. I watched as it passed overhead and saw the large blue identification "RV" on the bottom of the right wing. It made me stand a little straighter with the awareness of the connection. I climbed in the Blue Bird and flew to Sheridan, Wyoming where I had to stop because I have no lights in race configuration.

Bob Axsom