
Well Known Member
Well even though I am half way through my emp kit, until today I still had never flown or gotten a ride in any RV. I was building on faith, faith that I was building an airplane I would find enjoyable and useful. After today, I can say I made the right choice. However I found out that it's not only the airplane's great features that confirmed my decision, but was also the great community of "RVers".

I have to thank the guys of the "Freedom Flyers Squadron" of Conroe,TX. Dick, Sam, Denny, Joe, and Stephen. They were more than gracious enough to let a stranger in to their group today.

My ride for the day. Sam's beautiful RV-8


Lined up ready to go.


Leaving the pattern.


Over Lake Conroe.


Upside Down!


Smoke On.

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I can totally relate...

Nothing beats that first RV ride. My AOPA mentor and friend Tom Berge did the honors for my wife and I in his beautiful RV-7A. It is definitely the community of people AND the airplane that make it so easy to want to build one of these.
I am excited for the day when it is my turn to give "newbies" a ride and welcome them to this family. I can't think of a better way to stimulate interest in aviation and experimental aircraft than by giving rides and offering help. By the way, Sam has a beautiful plane.
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I remember my first RV ride. I had dreamed for more than a decade and then my friend took me for a ride, and yes we got upside. Little did I realize that an F1Rocket would complete my RV dream.

I bet your ride completed setting the hook.

The guys at Conroe are a pretty good group of people. I have been lucky to know them over the past 18 months while building my RV6. They are always helpful and a very caring group.
My first was in a RV3

I remember my first Vans RV ride / flt ? late MAY 2006. It was in a RV3.

I had just given the final payment check to the previous owner and off I went. WOW was all I could think. Lined up on the centerline, slowly rolled up on the power, a touch of right rudder and off we went ? me and 850 lbs of true pleasure.

Before I knew what had happen I was at 1000 AGL and had not even made it to the end of the runway. Next in my line of thoughts after the WOW part was ? Damm, I now have to land this thing. Lucky I had spent the past few weekends flying a STARDUSTER single hole.

True fully though ? at that point I had about 600 hrs of tail wheel time and I found it easier to land the RV3 than the old C-140 I had owned yrs before. As with all tail wheel flying I always says to myself while turning base to final ? ?Heals on the floor, Feet off the breaks, I am dancing?. With that I apply a bit of left and right rudder pressure to feel the yaw effectiveness. From there it?s all about airspeed. Get the airspeed correct and 9 out of 10 times everything else works out in any airplane during the landing phase.

All other RV flts are second to that one. Now I try to simply pass that incredible experience off to others by taking them up for short hoops in my RV6. Most all agree ? it?s the flt of their life no matter how many hours they may have.

My 2nd RV landing was the next day after a 450 nm flt back home in just under 3 short hrs. That was the flt that sealed the deal for me. I will never waste my $?s on another certified plane.

Thank you Mr. Vans for a great time machine and life experience. Total Performance?.
