
Well Known Member
Thanks to Guy Prevost I got my first RV flight today. I described it to my wife as graceful and fast. What a cool airplane. I told my facebook friends that mine looks like John's RV8 in the background except that mine is a side by side... And mine is still in pieces in the garage.

Other things that I noticed was that it wasnt as loud as I expected, nor pitch sensative. Maybe that was just the outstanding stick actuator in the front seat.


That is a motivator !

Bugsy, isn't it fun ! I recieved my 1st ride awhile back and I thought Mooney's were sporty. These RV's are on an entirely different level. Push on buddy. Gene
Congratulations Paul! I remember the feeling. Eddy Fernandez gave me first ride in his RV-9A this year and it was a blast. Good motivator, isn't it?
You are in for so much fun! There is nothing (with the possible exception of the birth of your child) that compares to your first flight in the plane you built yourself.
Jon Farley
"Redtail Angel"
Get A Ride and you'll finish your build faster!

My rule is I give everyone building an RV a ride in my 6. Some are kind of wishy washy, they don't want to go for a ride. I tell them they have to. Once they get a ride they work WAY faster for a while. I tell them when they start slowing down to give me a call and I'll fly back and give them another ride. You have to keep flying or you kind of forget why your building. It is easy to get side tracked onto other things. Going for a ride in an RV real gets the blood flowing and you will be real focused. Anyone an hour or two from NYC area that needs a ride send me an email, I love giving rides.