
Well Known Member
Well this was the first real trip for the RV, unfortunately it was for a funeral but sometimes funerals help to put things in perspective.

My youngest daughter (10 months) and I headed out to the airport this morning in 50* degree weather which is unheard of in July in Kansas. She was being quite the "peach" and I couldn't help snapping some pics. While I was fueling up....


With 54 hours on the Hobbs we blasted off, the car seat fit perfectly with the cushions/seat back/stick removed. She didn't really care for the infant hearing protection muffs, she kept trying to remove them.

I think half the problem was the sun in her eyes, I need to get the Kroger.

For a weekday morning Stearman Field was hopping for breakfast.

Little girl put away some pancakes in style!

I'm very thankful to the owners of a very special (to me) grass airstrip, they were very friendly and gracious to let me use their runway. It's 2 miles from my parents house and where I had my first flight EVER in a Bonanza. Different owners but my dad installed phone lines in the previous owners hangars in exchange for airplane rides. 10 years later when I decided I was going to take flying lessons he gave me a ride in his Stearman. If I only knew then what I know now.....
I grew up with him flying that Stearman and others over my house on his way to spray the next field. I didn't get the flying bug until halfway through college, I'll always miss the fact that I was oblivious to airplanes and missed the chance to share the passion with him.

After my Aunt's funeral, I told my Parents now was the perfect time to go for a ride. My mom was ready, she was a little disappointed when I said we won't be going upside down. In the end 45* banks were more than enough to satisfy her wild side, along with the afternoon bumps.


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My dad was next, we were having so much fun I forgot the selfie.

My PennyPie getting sleepy on the way back, she liked the Lightspeeds way more than the infant hearing protection. Probably because she could hear me talking my way through checklists....


Little girl was hard core asleep when we landed, gave me a chance to clean off all the bugs before we headed home.

My best RV flight so far!

Really good post! Sorry for your loss, but it does sound like your trip was worthwhile. I'm certain your parents were proud to see you and the grandchild:)
Isn't it great how an RV can spring into action in a time of need. Mine has done those sometimes difficult trips almost half a dozen times now. In the end, it seems to make things easier when done by RV.

Thanks for sharing the great pictures. I will always wish I could have taken my Dad for a ride in our RV.