
I'm New Here
I've been lurking on this site for a few months and want to say thanks to everyone for the awesome information so far. I learn something new every time I'm on here. I'm new to building airplanes and have a ton of questions. It seems like every time I get an answer to a question, two more pop up.

After much consideration, I think I'm ready to pull the trigger on an RV-8 quick build kit. Before I order plans and empannage, I want to make sure I'm going with the correct model.

My main mission is to fly back and forth from Central Colorado, south of Denver to Tulsa. I've wanted to fly for as long as I can remember and now seems like the best time in my life to do so as we are moving to CO and I would need to go to and from Tulsa occasionally for work. I also want to putt around with the wife and see the sights, go on some fun trips and learn as I go. This is what has turned me on to Vans the most as they seem to fit the bill for all. Above all of that, my two biggest concerns are speed and fuel burn (that may change as I go). I'd like to be able to make the trip around 3 hours. I'm not much on aerobatics (that may change, I have never ridden in anything but commercial aircraft and medical helicopters). I'm choosing the -8 over the -7 as there is a little more room for each of us, and I'd like us both to see out of the sides (more her preference; happy wife, happy life, right?). We are both around 6 ft tall. It would be me flying solo 95% of the time. So far, does it seem like the RV-8 would be the right model for me?

As far as motors, props and all other things, I don't know enough yet to make a fully informed decision. I'm all ears!

Also, if anyone in the Tulsa area has some insight and wants to help a new guy out, I'll buy the drinks and food just to listen.

Again, thanks for the info so far, this website has been an awesome resource!

Im building an 8. Go for it. Im building a plane ive never flown, in fact I've never even sat in an 8. But i sat in a 4 and that was good enough for me.

You'll learn alot as you go. And then youll realize you have no idea what you are doing, but fortunately there is alot of help here, at vans and online. Every time ive been stuck I just google it and find the answer. You'll have fun. If you like tinkering and building things, youll love it.
Long hall.

Sure, you should go for it. The 8 is a good model so are the 7,14,9,12 and so on. The choice between a in-line and the sidewinder is the biggest one to make of the models. If your wife likes to handle the radios, navigate, do some stick time sightseeing, or you have friends of the same mind you may like the side by side down the road for that reason. Both are within 2-4 Mph. of each other and the 7 and 8 have the same wing to carry the platform at a factory gross weight of 1,800 Lbs. The economy of the RV-8 is good, each has its own little differences in envelope, but you can figure around 10 gph. at 75% power, at around 205-209 mph., with a 180 hp. engine and fixed pitch prop. That will differ form plane to plane. We have an 8 that is set up for just the type of flying you set out above. Light, strait, clean and well powered with a fixed pitch prop. Butt that is what we like to have for fun travel and week-end hamburgers. I personally don't like to think of the 7 or 8 as a comfortable IMC platform and also don't like anything but a mild wifferdill from time to time if the weather is nice. If you decide to build an 8 with a light fixed pitch prop and a parallel valve 180 hp. engine and a reasonable instrument panel, you can get a fast clean flying aircraft that can carry two good sized people and all their bags and full fuel, that will stay in C.G. and still be under Gross weight when fully loaded. I can attest to having 1,008 lbs. empty weight with a modest IFR panel and auto-pilot installed. That is 792 lbs. useful. with factory figures. It is all what you want out of it and there or many options. It is also one of those thing one will regret if one does not go for it. This is one of those long topics that is best left for a long air show week-end or hangar flying, but I do hope this helps. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
If your wife likes to handle the radios, navigate, do some stick time sightseeing, or you have friends of the same mind you may like the side by side down the road for that reason. Both are within 2-4 Mph. of each other...

those are good points, ive never looked at it that way. I also thought he -8 was much faster but just looked at vans numbers and your right. I'll just never forget the time i was in a -6A and started out along side a couple -8's and couldn't believe how those narrow body -8's were just were pulling away. Which is why i have a desire now to build a -8. You could really cover some ground quick...
If you believe as you say you will be solo 95% of the time, build the 8. All RVs are great - but the 8 is one where you really feel like you are strapping on wings.

All the other issues are trade offs of money, weight and time. For example, the most efficient cross country set up is a parallel valve IO-360 swinging a Hartzell BA prop. This will yield 170+ knots in cruise with fuel burn down at 7.8 gph or so, depending on altitude. This is a good IFR machine if you have a decent autopilot. Stay out of ice.

If you want a nice day VFR machine then do a simple panel and FP prop.


Welcome to VAF and welcome to Colorado.
There's a pretty active builder community in and around Denver.
If you would like to join the e-mail group, send me an e-mail.
Happy Wife is exactly right. We sat in a few, I flew the 7a. Sweetie wanted to sit beside me and she wanted the wheel in the front.
Welcome to VAF!

Davie, welcome aboard the good shop VAF:D

While I agree with your logic for choosing an 8 over a 7, may I suggest you and your wife find one of each model to sit in, and hopefully get a ride in.

My main mission is to fly back and forth from Central Colorado, south of Denver to Tulsa

I am also building an -8. Just getting started on the Emp kit. I live in Tulsa, give me a ring anytime you are headed this way.

From my perspective (15 yr -8 owner), you're spot on with your assessment of side-by-side versus tandem. You'll both have more room and better views out the sides in the -8. And the cozy, wife-wants-to-sit-next-to-you idea, will fade to wishing you had the extra room after one trip. Also, be certain to install the electrical power outlets in the back so she can keep her phone and electronic devices working. Might also investigate backseat heat.... You going to put her in the back, you better make it comfortable.
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... So far, does it seem like the RV-8 would be the right model for me? ....

Not only is it the right choice, but us -8ers think it is the only choice ;). We love our 8's. And the three hour trip -- piece of cake.

After almost 11 years of flying my -8, I can't wait to get back in it. Never gets tiring.

Buy it. Build it. Enjoy.

The 8 is the one

I first flew my RV-8 on July 12th 2000. All of the RV's are great airplanes, and I've flown all of them except the 14. Love-em all. RV's are like a basket of beautiful pedigree puppies. All are beautiful. All are valuable. But.... in every litter of puppies there is always a "Pick of the Litter" In the RV litter, that would be the 8.
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David, take a look at the Showplanes canopy kit for the -8. The three big advantages are pilot visibility (no canopy bow), a center roll bar (huge handhold for everyone, and makes rear seat access easy), and little or no cold draft on the back of the passenger's head (a common problem with the slider).

The raised turtledeck increases the rear baggage volume, and it may improve aerodynamics.

Ms Patti approved:

Tulsa RV's

There are quite a lot of RV's in the Tulsa area and a number at Riverside Airport where I am based, if you want to check out the -7 and -8 you are welcome to look at my -7 and there are a couple of 8's a couple of hangars from me.
Welcome to VAF and welcome to Colorado.
There's a pretty active builder community in and around Denver.
If you would like to join the e-mail group, send me an e-mail.
Happy Wife is exactly right. We sat in a few, I flew the 7a. Sweetie wanted to sit beside me and she wanted the wheel in the front.

I'll send you a message. Thanks!

I am also building an -8. Just getting started on the Emp kit. I live in Tulsa, give me a ring anytime you are headed this way.

Message sent. Thanks!

David, take a look at the Showplanes canopy kit for the -8. The three big advantages are pilot visibility (no canopy bow), a center roll bar (huge handhold for everyone, and makes rear seat access easy), and little or no cold draft on the back of the passenger's head (a common problem with the slider).

The raised turtledeck increases the rear baggage volume, and it may improve aerodynamics.

Wow. That looks slick. I'll keep that in mind. Like I said, all ears! I also appreciated the info on fuel burn, motors and props from other posts. Thanks.

There are quite a lot of RV's in the Tulsa area and a number at Riverside Airport where I am based, if you want to check out the -7 and -8 you are welcome to look at my -7 and there are a couple of 8's a couple of hangars from me.

Message sent. Thanks!

Plans ordered. Hopefully I can order the empannage late next week and get started soon (I need to find tools). I feel like a kid in a very expensive candy store right now.

Thanks for everyone's input. I've used several forums, but this place takes the cake!
