
Well Known Member
Hey everyone!
Thought I would just post a note about our weekend.
My wife and I left S37 around 6:30am Saturday and headed west to Lafayette,IN we made good time and were there in 2:30 and stopped got gas took the courtesy car into town to grab some grub. Then we took a real quick hop over to our future home!!!
(we won't be moving for quite some time) Timberhouse aero or 31IN we have not actually bought the lot yet but we are planning on it.Beautiful 3000"x100' smooth grass runway that will be paved within the next couple of years, great country setting with not alot of neighbors. Just what Laura and I want for a semi retirement home, anyway after we spent some time there we took off for Madision,WI we made good time with a tailwind and were there just under a hour. We visited with my wife's parents and saw the house they just bought, its right under the downwind leg of runway 18 at C29.
After lunch and some social stuff with them we loaded back up and weaved our way down and around Chicago and stooped in Valapriso,IN for a RON. Great people took great care of Dakota Queen and gave us a cool old cop car
to head to our hotel(by the way KVPZ is a great overnight stop two runways, a line guy who really knows his stuff and some really nice hotels and restaurants very close to the airport) We had a great night and a good sleep. Got up today loafed around the hotel took a swim had breakfast and went back to the airport the line guy his name was Norman had Dakota Queen out and fueled ready to go, we loaded up and took off intending to make a stop somewhere in Ohio for gas, but when we got to cruising altitude I leaned the ship out and we were getting 195kts at around 10gph so I started playing with the engine monitor and GPS and saw I could make it in a straight shot. So we just cruised along listing to music and watching the pretty Midwest country side slide under the wings of our Great airplane and made it non stop from VPZ in just a little over 2hrs 30min. Just amazing!

Anyway we had a great weekend and went half way around the country and averaged 170kts to 180kts the whole trip and had a great time.
All the Best to all you guys and gals!
Kirk&Laura and our trusty RV-8 Dakota Queen!!
P.S. You better believe I gave Ole' Queenie a Big Hug when I put her away!
P.S.S I am sorry I did not get to hook up with anyone in Indy, but it was kind of a tight schedule with having to get up to C29, but I will be Back!
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You lucky, lucky B..........

Good for you matey...When I get the next Million I'll be right with ya.....About 3 lifetimes from now...:)

Poor Frank..7a