
Active Member
My youngest daughter is a Junior and will be leaving for college soon?so I wanted to get some quality time with her before she leaves the nest. What better way than to have her navigate in the Indy Air Race, I thought. After discussing this with her there was no doubt. So we launched at 6:00am Saturday for the 30 minute trip to KTYQ. The crowds were sizeable as the air race combined forces with the airports open house and the Fly-In, which supports Down Syndrome Indiana.

Full disclosure: I didn?t run WOT, change the pitch of my prop, increase the compression, tape the seams, etc., etc., etc. In fact, I did terrible in every turn, most likely picked the wrong altitudes, etc.

All that being said, WE HAD AN AMAZING TIME?we took third place (201.41 MPH) and created a memory that we?ll never forget. These birds are absolutely amazing!

Take a look http://youtu.be/JkxdNQSP2G0
Pretty cool having an Air Race trophy on the wall! :cool:
Even better sharing the experience w/ your daughter. Mine heads off to college this week... time Flies!
The race results where amended and we actually took 2nd place instead of 3rd. Thanks to Mike, Linda and the Sport Air Racing League for an unforgettable event!
Good report

Thanks for sharing!
Tell me, from when to when is your run timed? Is a navigator required?
You had a great average speed. What engine and prop? What altitudes did you choose?
Bruce, the clock is started differently depending on race location. Single file starts and usually it is the departure end of the runway or after you turn on course over a specific object. Then the clock stops when you cross the finishline checkpoint. this ensures most planes are at speed for both start and stop time.

No navigator needed, I would guess most go it solo for weight reasons.

Altitude varies with terrain and FAR clearances. some guys run on the deck, while others climb for tailwinds. It's a tradeoff so depends on leg length.

Great fun even if you don't run wide open.
Thanks Brian. I just checked out the rules and Idaho PBMC race course to answer more of my questions. I'm giving the event some thought. You going? Or there's Van's homecoming or chapter 105 poker run, or CAA BBQ all closer to home for me...race sounds the most fun.
Bruce, Brian covered your points really well. I will tell you that many of the competitors arrived with a GIB and then left them on the ground...I chose to make this more of a family event (as you can tell it went really well :D ). Navigator is not needed/required but allowed my daughter to really be engaged and amped up her fun. If you haven't done one of these you should...they're an absolute blast!

Thanks Brian. I just checked out the rules and Idaho PBMC race course to answer more of my questions. I'm giving the event some thought. You going? Or there's Van's homecoming or chapter 105 poker run, or CAA BBQ all closer to home for me...race sounds the most fun.

I don't think I'll make PMBC, as I will be headed to California to help care for my Dads issues.
Sport Air Racing is a lot of fun with some great people, I wish I could make more of them. My goal is too have fun and improve each time. My plane is fairly fast and efficient due to SARL and folks like Bob Axsom.

Brent Travis hosts a great event at KCOE. You won't be disappointed.
Hi Tim,

It was great racing with you and your daughter, and that's a fantastic video she made ! Hope you can join us at more events ! Soory such a late post, I'm rarely on the forum!

Best Regards,

Jeff Barnes