
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I figured that this soon will filter out in the rumor mill because enough people already know, so I'd make a quick post personally to let you know what is going on.

This weekend I was helping a friend get his rotax powered quicksilver running and had a rather unfortuneate and messy accident (don't worry too much, it wasn't fatal).

Long story short. My right hand ended up contacting the running prop (sharp nylon 3 bladed ultra prop) you can well imagine the prop ended up much better than my right hand - which didn't fare too well....but in the end not as bad as it could have been. The prop has a tiny red stained nick on it from one of my bones, and we had to hunt (in the grass of our runway) for the severed flesh if mine, but we did ok and had everything on ice before heading to the hospital,

I'm home from the hospital now, had orthopedic surgery from a hand/upper extremity specailist and am going to be fine, albeit with 1/2 less of a missing digit on my right hand than I had last week at this time. They were unable to use the last half of my index finger - but the rest should be ok.......we hope!

Please bear with me while I'm slow to type (noy very fast with only 1 usable hand) and the other not feeling too good right now. I'll be working reduced hours this week due to more appointments with the surgeon, so to those of you waiting for "stuff" from me personally, your patience is appreciated. I would kindly ask that you not deluge me with lots of personal calls or emails because I just simply cannot respond right now. I'm pretty doped up, really tired and in a wee bit of pain.

After I'm feeling a bit better I'll post a long, detailed (and probably disturbing) account of the accident - becase that's all it is. After having a dog bite my running prop on the RV some years ago, and sitting in a cockpit when another old guy got hit by a prop many years before, I treat them like bombs.....but it still happenend to me, so PLEASE BE EXTRA carefull. I'm pretty carefull and it still happened in less than a blink of an eye.

I can't overstate how emotionally and physically painfull of an experience this is. I'm going to be fine in the end and won't be much worse for it, but it's still a miserable thing to deal with. The silver lining is I'm alive, didn't lose a hand or arm, and have most of my fingers back. It's embarrassing, humiliating and painful to type this note, but it needs to be done.

Thanks to all who have already sent their supprt, and I sincerely appreciate everyone's patience while I get through this. I'm still working as able, just reduced hours and reduced email responses. Again, thanks for everything from such a great community of people, many of you I'm proud to call friends,

Best Regards, God Bless and BE SAFE!
Stein Bruch
RV6, Minneapolis
Glad you're okay


Thanks for the information. Glad to hear, relatively speaking, that you are okay. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I'm sure your shop is in good hands so you can recover as needed.

Let the RV nation know if you need anything!!!
Get Well Stein!

Sorry to hear it happened, glad to hear it was not worse. My best for a speedy recovery!

Thanks for the information. Glad to hear, relatively speaking, that you are okay. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I'm sure your shop is in good hands so you can recover as needed.

Let the RV nation know if you need anything!!!

I hear kettle korn does wonders for hand pain and general emotional distress :)

Thanks for the kind words my friend.

Sorry to hear of your accident
You are lucky you did not loose your hand.

Speedy recovery.

You might need to go to rehab. When I broke my wrist there were folks that had injuries similar to yours. They had to get electro-stimulant (Don't remember the medical term for it) therapy for the nerves to reduce the pain from the lost limb.
Stein, sorry to hear of your accident, but we're all relieved to hear you're well enough to tell us about it, and pass on any lessons.

Get well soon

Sorry to hear of your accident! Like you could have been your whole hand.
Here's prayers and comforting thoughts from up North.
Gell well soon!
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God speed your recovery, Stein!! Thanks for sharing your experience. Let it be a lesson for us all.

Rest up, Stein. Don't hesitate to ask if you need ANYTHING. Glad you're healing.

Get Well Soon

Darn, my flower budget was all used up to build an airplane.

Now listen up mister....there will be no getting hooked on lounging around all day in pj's, soap operas and pain killers. Heal up and get your butt back to work!

Seriously though, really sorry to hear about the accident. Get well soon.

Mike R.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!

Kettle Korn??!! Must be one of those Northern U.S. rehabilitative supplements!


I'm very sorry to read about your incident Stein. Scary stuff indeed. I do hope you enjoy a speedy recovery in both psychic and physical terms. Hopefully by sharing your unfortunate tale of woe, we all will be encouraged to redouble efforts at increasing our personal sense of awareness and vigilance as we pursue our passion for aviation. Take care my friend.
Glad you're Alive!


Very glad to hear that you're still with us! Rest up, heal up, live long and prosper....

Thanks for personally reporting the experience, Stein.

No doublt the recovery will be painful and emotional. The hardest part may be accepting the unreality that it happened and it is a lesson each of us must think about. We have all worked around a running engine and prop and it is always a very dangerous environment. I did it recently and it was a mental effort to maintain awareness that the prop was there to do great harm while trying to keep focused on what it was I was trying to accomplish.

It will take time, but you will be OK. Thanks again for the report.
I have some good prop stories to tell you sometime when your healed and this is behind you. Isn't it amazing what you have to do to get some time off.
I'd send you flowers but thats to gay for me, so I'm boxing up a circut breaker
as a get well gift.
Get well soon
Your Friend,
Steve Raddatz

So sorry to hear about your accident. You do seem in good spirits though, or is that the Demarol? Take care and speedy recovery.
Stein, that's absolutely terrible, and hopefully you will heal soon, both mentally and physically. It's amazing how quickly our lives can change due to accidents. It seems like rotary tools in the shop and propellers have one thing in common---they don't ask any questions when they are spinning. Be careful, and we all await to hear that you are recovered. I'm sure your absence is putting a dent in the Van's completion odometer!

Man Stein! As if having one of the most successful RV shops around isn't enough, now you have to go and do this!? ;)

I'm sure you know I am kidding, and I certainly wish you a speedy recovery! Very glad to hear you are going to be okay!!:)

Glad you're OK, Stein.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery so that you can put this behind you.



Here's to a speedy recovery.

I sent an email to you yesterday about my D-10A harness, please ignore it (I got it figured out anyway):)
Yow. Stuck my thumb in an RC model prop once, but fortunately it hit the nail so I was only left with a really big bruise. Can't imagine what a full size blade could do! Glad you're going to be ok.

Hope the recovery is as fast as an RV!

Stein: So sorry this happened. We all wish you a quick recovery with minimal pain and a great final result. Thanks for your post. Bill
Stein - glad you escaped without further injury, and hope you get healed up soon.

Now I'm doubly scared of hand propping! :eek:

Stein, there are definitely easier & less painful methods of RV weight reduction! :eek: j/k

Heal up & get well soon! :)
What they said-------

There really is nothing I can add to all the prior comments.

Sorry to hear about your accident, hope all heals rapidly and without any problems.

phew, that smarts. man i hope you recover painlessly. good ole oxycontin should help. that is a real eye opener...god speed
This always made the kids smile, "That'll feel better when it quits hurting."
Seriously, get well soon.
Wow -- sorry to hear about that. There are less painful ways to get good stories to tell at the bar, but I guess yours will do. :eek:

My best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Oooowwwww, that hurts just thinking about it!!
Let me add my wishes that you'll have a fast and sucessfull recovery!
Get Well Soon Bro!

Hey Stein,

Just letting you know your family's following you on this forum too. Things could have been a lot worse, so keep your head up. Don't feel embarrassed or humiliated about the accident - things just happen; we all still love you just the same and are really glad you're here to tell us about it. Who knows how many other accidents you may have just prevented by telling your story!

We're all wishing you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you soon. Baxter healed up pretty good from his propeller incident so I'm pretty sure you will too. Take it easy in the meantime - that's why you have employees. :)

Your sis Mieke
Could have been a lot worse--sure glad it wasn't. If you dont' have any of that oxi stuff, there are liquids that come in amber bottles...

Hang in there,

Bob Kelly


Best wishes and get well soon. Speaking of corn---amber bottles etc, where I grew up in North East Georgia years ago, most of our corn was turned into 190 proof!!!:D

Stein - sorry this happened, and know that you'll be in my prayers. Thank God it wasn't much worse! Heal up right and come back to your excellent company!

PS - thanks for talking me into buying a tungsten bucking bar!

What an incredible group of people sending their support. Best of luck on the recovery... if there is ANYTHING we can do for you... DO NOT HESITATE to ask... I broke my leg once and believe me.... I will never ever take for granted bending my leg... let alone my hand or fingers again. ps... how did you get the rotax off the snowmobile and attached to an airplane???? (jus kidding.... dont kill me..);)
404-405-1315... you can still dial I hope...
I'm one of the thousands of people you've freely spent time advising over the years...thanks for that. We'r wishing you a quick recovery. It can always be much worse...we're just still glad we have ya. See you again at OSH!
Wow Stein,
Gives us all pause, because we know how careful you are.
Our prayers join others for a quick, and low-frustration recovery.

I wish you a full and quick recovery.

By coincidence, I am going to be in Farmington for a few days around the first of the month with nothing to do while my wife attends a conference. I would be happy to volunteer to help out at your shop. I can maybe help with the grunt work to free your folks to keep the place running. Send me a PM if you can give me something to do.

Richard Scott
Sorry to hear about your accident - glad it wasn't much worse. Hope the healing goes quickly. Take care.
I add my best wishes to the many dozens of others above. Take care, get well, and give yourself plenty of opportunity to mend. We need you back in harness at Stein Air and healthy !!!! ;)

Terry Ruprecht
Mahomet, IL
RV-9A QB fuse