That's good! While I was building, I took lots of photos of paint jobs that I liked and some that I didn't like. Most got printed and covered the walls of my shop. Some paint jobs make the RV look fast and sleek, sexy, while some make them look slow and fat, like a guppy. Funny thing is, my paint job didn't end up looking like any of them :rolleyes:
Thats funny! My wife says, You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig!

Have no idea what that has to do with RV's other than it is what it is. Some paint jobs look fast and some don't.

I have collected 400+ pics of paint schemes, panels, and interiors off the internet in the past 1 1/2 years. I browse through them about once a week to get inspired and motivated. Its amazing how my tastes have changed since Ive started collecting these. At first I wanted a slick cowl but over time the RV scoop has grown on me and I cant imagine my plane without one!