Sam Buchanan

been here awhile
This is not entirely RV related but I wanted to share this with those of you who have spent time on my website over the years. Many of you have read the account of a flight with my daughter in N27147, the 1940 J-3 I partly owned while the RV-6 was under construction:

Eleven years after that flight occurred, the song lyrics below landed in my inbox today. My daughter used an Alan Jackson song called "Daddy Let Me Drive" as the inspiration for her "Daddy Let Me Fly". Those of you who have shared flights with your children and have read the story of the J-3 flight will identify with the feelings expressed in these lyrics. We never know the impact our time shared with our children in aviation will have on their lives in the years to come.



Daddy Let Me Fly
by Melanie Buchanan

It was Piper yellow, a black stripe down the side
Countless folks had taken a ride
Already nearly 60 years old
But still as true as the day it was born

It was just an old J-3 Cub
Built for war, but flown with love
A young girl, with two hands I would steer
Soaking in the view from a sky so clear
And he’d say, “Turn it sharp,” and we would bank to the right
“Keep the nose up now, you’re doing just fine”
Cruising a valley across the Tennessee line
I was Amelia Earhart
When Daddy let me fly

We’d strap in for a sunset flight
Headsets on and belts pulled tight
Seeing the world from a different point of view
Everywhere you look there’s something new
Gliding along with the windows wide open
Air flowing through, ponytail a-blowing
Counting the cows and the deer in the field
Can’t replace the way it made me feel
And he’d say, “Check the horizon, step on the ball,
Just follow that river, it’ll lead us home”
Taking it low and slow was our style
But my head was in the clouds
When Daddy let me fly

I’m grown up now and out on my own
But I still feel that thrill running through my bones
Turn my eyes to the sky when I can
Remembering those first tastes of flight again

It was just an old J-3 Cub
Built for war, but flown with love
A young girl, with two hands I would steer
Soaking in the view from a sky so clear
And he’d say, “Turn it sharp,” and we would bank to the right
“Keep the nose up now, you’re doing just fine”
Cruising a valley across the Tennessee line
I was Amelia Earhart
When Daddy let me fly

Just an old J-3 Cub
Built for war, but flown with love

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Great post! I think back to when I first communicated with you and we were Cub drivers. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you. Words can't describe the memories this brings up, of passing along the gift my father gave to me by teaching my daughter to fly R/C airplanes.

Happy Father's Day!
Thank for Sharing

Thanks a million for sharing that. It's beautiful! Your daughter sounds like a wonderful person.

We are indeed blessed by the love of our children. Nothing compares to it.
