
Came in from work, and went straight to Fed Ex to get my 2 boxes from Van's. going to do the inventory check in the morning. The now the fun begins.

Awesome! just got mine too. Did most of the inventory to include all my hardware organization (im a nut about hardware organization, no pun intended). Unfortunately I cannot begin as I think im on the verge of relocating to the midwest for work. Im holding out on completely unpacking incase I need to move my shop and parts. Kinda tempted to throw caution to the wind tho and start anyway :confused:
Congratulations! One of the few RVs built in NYC :D the tail is in Brooklyn right? Where is it exactly in Bravo or under?

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Vlad, I'm in Mill basin brooklyn. The wing in the basement also, I plan to the do the fuselage in a garage. Then I'm looking to finish up in Linden NJ. Buddy of mine has a hangar out there for his helo.

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Awesome! just got mine too. Did most of the inventory to include all my hardware organization (im a nut about hardware organization, no pun intended). Unfortunately I cannot begin as I think im on the verge of relocating to the midwest for work. Im holding out on completely unpacking incase I need to move my shop and parts. Kinda tempted to throw caution to the wind tho and start anyway :confused:

I hope you get started soon


Congrats, I remember the feeling I had when I picked up my empannage, it felt good!! Happy building

Vlad, I'm in Mill basin brooklyn. The wing in the basement also, I plan to the do the fuselage in a garage. Then I'm looking to finish up in Linden NJ. Buddy of mine has a hangar out there for his helo.


Good plan. Good luck.