pierre smith

Well Known Member
.....came about after I checked on a Rocket for sale on here. I mentioned to my wife that I've always wanted a Rocket and even thought of asking the seller if he'd consider my -6A as a trade-in. Woohoo, you oughta seen the look I got from Jenny! "I'd be very upset if you did that!" she said..."I don't like sitting in the back...been there, done that! I like sitting next to you".

Trouble is, she can't hardly fly with me on weekends....her restaurant keeps her busy, so I fly with a buddy to EAA meetings and such.

My question is...how many of you guys have an airplane for the wifey, like my -6A, and another just tailormade for you, like a Rocket I'm considering adding? This would work. It'd also be rather expensive.

Whaddya think?

.....My question is...how many of you guys have an airplane for the wifey, like my -6A, and another just tailormade for you, like a Rocket I'm considering adding? This would work. It'd also be rather expensive.

Well, I "sorta" have this situation Pierre...except my "Wifey" has the -6....and she lets me fly it once in a while!:D

The second airplane is much less expensive to keep than the first it seems....

Best of both worlds?

Being kind of new to the RV scene, has anyone ever built a side-by-side "rocket"? I'm thinking an RV7 with 6 cylinders would be mighty sweet!


Pierre, it all comes down to cost, harmony is a valuable commodity. You have to ask yourself will the joy of having and flying the rocket be more valuable than the harmony you might be giving up with the 6. Hey if you get the rocket I would sure like to go for a ride though.
RV7 and RV3

I had exactly the same issue. I wanted to build an RV8 - not a chance1! Wifey dictated side by side for sociability even though she will rarely fly with me - too busy with the horse! So an RV7 it was. Absolute joy to fly so no regrets there.

So what to do about my 'mini-fighter' ambitions? I formed a syndicate at my airfield and have started building an RV3. So hopefully will get the best of both worlds, and by sharing the costs it should be affordable.

Good Luck!
Not Quite the Same

After completing my 6A I have found out my wife likes riding in the my Cessna 140 more than riding in the RV. She thinks it is more relaxing, more roomy, and more old fashion. Therefore I have decided to keep the 140 (currently been down with restoration). She still never turns down a ride in the RV.
My wife actually prefers the Rocket to the RV-6 I had. Of course, she has great taste!:D (expensive tastes too!)

Get her a ride in one. She may actually like it. There's just so much more room for both of you in a Rocket than the side-by-side RVs. Talking is via the intercom anyway.
You've hit my reasons for wanting to building a RV-3 right on the head.
For me. All about me.:eek:
Wife and Side by Side Vs Tandem

I used to have a Mustang II side by side and an RV-3. I flew the RV-3 much more for the pure pleasure of flying centerline in formation and acro and the maneuverablility. When I would go cross country in distant locations to fly with other formation flying friends, I would fly the RV-3 and my wife would go commercial. So I decided to build the RV-8 to satisfy both wanting centerline seating and bringing my wife. She had the normal "I don't want to sit in the back" reaction while I was building, but when it went into Phase 2 and she started flying, she realized that in the back seat there was much more room, she had much better visibility, we were not fighting for elbow space, she could move around as she desired, she could take better pictures left and right, she and I could see better while flying formation, she could fold and refold charts without causing me visibility problems, she could snooze more comfortably, and she had her own rear baggage area while I took the front. It was not a status thing "sitting side by side", it was a practical arrangement and provided more overall comfort.