Well Known Member
It's a great day to be an American and a father. My daughter Lindsey just did her first Solo out of North West Regional (52F) in Texas today. I bring this up on the RV-12 website because she did her first introductory flying with me in the RV-12 and after that first flight she wanted to do more flying. Her first primary flight training was in the 12 with me and after learning to taxi and about 8 hours in the 12 she said taxing and flying a 172 is a piece of cake. I Did not want to do all the primary training in the 12 so I sent her off to Marcair out of 52F which is a part 141 flight school. Congratulations to my daughter Lindsey!
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Good Job!

When I get my six finished, I will be getting another Dicus in the sky.

My wifes maiden name is Pamela Dicus, daughter of Eugene Dicus from St Louis Mo.

It is nice to have more ladies in the sky.:)

Keep up the good work, had my first lesson in that very same seat your setting in last week.

Way to go Lindsey. Quite an accomplishment. Another reason to make the 4th a memorable day.
Congrats Lindsey!!!!!

Now your going to hear, " dad, can I borrow the keys to the plane". :)

Collin, Outstanding :)

It was a pleasure meeting her a few weeks ago and glad to hear of her milestone!

Pass on my Congratulations to her.

See you in Oshkosh
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Katie, I was thinking something similar :)

Thank you, Collin for inspiring a new pilot.
Congratulations Lindsey on a great milestone.

Collin, time to start building another airplane !
Congratulations to all!! I am envious as I have 4 kids and have not been able to interest any of them in flying.

Congratulations to the young "Lady Lindy" Lindsey!!! In the days to come it will be "Dad can I have the keys to the airplane!" :D:eek:

Yol Bolson Miss Lindsey!
Newest member of the club

You all may remember my daughter soloed on the 4th of July. She got her private pilot ticket today on the 8th of August. Congratulations to Pilot Lindsey Richardson the newest member of the Pilot Corps.:)
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Way to go!

Pass along my congrats to Lindsey. Now she can fly over to XS30 and get grass field and short field experience and I'll throw in a cold soda. :)
Pass my congrats......just amazing!! Now she can ask Dad for the keys to the plane, the RV-12!! Let us know when she solo's in the 12!! From the photo I see the enthusiasm. Are the airlines the next step?
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What an accomplishment

Please pass on my congratulations. Make sure she comes to Oshkosh next year so she can be apart of the "Women Fly" picture.
Lindsey congratulations, good addition to the flying community! Keep going and I may be lucky enough to catch a commercial flight where you are PIC.
Congrats to Lindsey! No matter how many more checkrides come after, the Private is a special accomplishment. You must be proud.