
Well Known Member
Hello. It is with great sadness that I am reporting the sudden and unexpected passing of my father Julio Esquenazi. He was 80 years old. He died peacefully in his sleep.

A little about him and then you'll see why this is posted here. He emigrated from Cuba to New York as a 20 year old in 1957, met my mom (also from Cuba), joined the Army to attain his citizenship, and went to trade school at night to learn the textile industry, and worked in the garment district in Manhattan. Various factories, various moves, lived the American Dream owning his own home, and sent two kids to college.

I don't know where I got the aviation bug, maybe it was our close proximity to the JFK airport, maybe something else. My dad wasn't a pilot. But I have to think my dad played a major part in fostering and nurturing my interest that led to my success. I flew r/c as a teenager, took flying lessons, went to Embry-Riddle and got an Aero Engineering degree, 20 years as an Air Force pilot, built and flying an RV-8, and I've been flying for a major airline the last 9 years. A success... thank you Dad!

Here I am on the left with our first flying model. It is a control-line RingMaster with a Fox .35.

Our first r/c model:

The last r/c model we built together. I built the air frame during my senior year in high school and he finished it while I was in college. We flew it a few times, but we were afraid to crash it so we never flew it again. I have it now, to hang in my house forever!

He was so proud of me while building the RV-8. He showed RV-8 pics to all of his friends.

What a dad! Here he's helping me strip a bad powder coating job done by a "professional."

Three generations of modelers and flyers. I get to do the same stuff with my son that my dad did with me.

Here's one of the last pictures taken of my dad. He liked to have fun and live life to the fullest. Here he's playing an instrument used in latin music, a guiro. He's dancing with my mom and my son in the kitchen while looking at my mom. Note the VAF shirt. He always wore, RV, VAF, Air Force, and Delta t-shirts and hats when he knew I was coming. Proud Pa Pa, proud son. I'm gonna miss you Dad. I love you!
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That is a very nice tribute to what sounds like a very nice man. Sorry for your loss but be thankful your father was someone you learned from and can remember as an honorable man. Have a good Christmas and best to you and your family.
Thanks for sharing your family story.
A wonderful story it is too.
You are lucky to have been able to share your lives in Aviation.
The story and pictures are a wonderful tribute.
Blue Skies to your Dad!
Jerry, great story, history with your dad. You have got to cherish all the time together and keep his memory fresh every time you fly. If I were him, I would want one of these pictures in the plane with you every time you fly, have your dad with you all the time.

Sorry for your loss

Condolences Jerry. Your memories of him will be with you forever. When your son achieves success in life in whatever fashion, you will feel his presence. Trust me....it happens.
Hi Jerry, Thanks for sharing a little bit about your dad's life with us. It's pretty clear that the world is a better place because he was here with us, even if only for a short 80 years. Godspeed, Julio!

So sorry to hear of your fathers passing, condolences to you and your family. What a great story and wonderful tribute to a powerful, positive influence in your life. All families should be so fortunate.

Warm regards,

A good, long life

Jerry, I've also buried my Mom and Dad...loved them both dearly but the Bible gives us three score and ten, 70 years, so your Dad had a bonus, as did mine.

Jerry, I can't say enough. Prayers for your family. Great tribute, many of us had a Ringmaster in our past.
Never met you father but he was obviously a good man. We all share in your loss. He taught you well, as you will teach your son. Your father made the world a better place and he will continue through you and your son

Scott A Jordan

We are sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Your pictures are testament to the special bond between fathers and sons.
Jerry, great tribute to a fine man, and a great father. I lost mine Dec, 1999. We did alot of things together as you did. One day, my Dad will fly with me in my 7.
Thanks for sharing your family story.
A wonderful story it is too.
You are lucky to have been able to share your lives in Aviation.
The story and pictures are a wonderful tribute.
Blue Skies to your Dad!

I couldn't say it better!

Jerry, may you and your family have a merry Christmas celebrating the memories of your father, knowing he is looking down and smiling as you carry on the family traditions.
Tailwinds, Julio.

I'm sorry I never met Julio Esquenazi, but I do know his son, Jerry. If the father is anything like his son then Julio was a great man!
Jerry flew his beautiful RV-8 from Atlanta to North Texas Regional Airport just to watch the IAC National Aerobatic Championships earlier this year. We spent a few days together and it wasn't hard to befriend Jerry. His enthusiasm for everything aeronautical is evident in everything he does. His RV-8 is the most beautiful RV I have ever seen and with a bit of coaching Jerry has become an aerobatic competitor with a great future.

Jerry, I was sorry to hear of your father's passing. My thoughts are with you and your family this Christmas.
I love it

when sons honor their Dads as you have. What a powerful testament to the legacy we fathers leave behind, we for the next generation just as was done for us.

My own son, now 34, is researching ways he can more effectively hand down a legacy of true masculinity to my grandson, still only 6. He passed on some of his gleanings to me, including this, from one of the authors we both consider a favorite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G0_jm1SRu8

passing the torch even as I have received it, standing on the shoulders of a giant of a Dad
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Thank you all for your beautiful comments. They sure did make feel better and I'm very grateful for this wonderful aviation community we have, thanks to Vans, Doug and this website, and all the fantastic people that make up our collective. Merry Christmas!


That is such a fine tribute from a son to his father. You were both very fortunate to have aviation in common and it has kept you so close to each other. I am 80 also and my son was a pretty good co-pilot in our family C-172 from age 12, and we went on camping trips together thruout the west.

He became an ME then up to a sales/Mgmnt position, I just could not keep his interest up about flying. I think it helps if one has an understanding spouse...

Best to all,

Jerry C
Our fathers play a great role in our lives. Mine too loved airplanes and we started off with U-control and then into radio control and then the real thing. I learned to fly in my fathers plane.

I too lost my father this year. I think about the times we had, the times we could have had and reflect that he was the best father that anyone could have.

I think about my father very often. You will too. Make them good thoughts.

59 years ago today my father and mother brought me into this world. I miss them both.
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So sorry to know your Dad has passed. He was a fine man. You two had some fine times.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have no doubt your Father will stay alive in your family's memories and hearts.

Our prayers are with you and your family.

God Bless

My Condolences


Just remember.....you get to be with him every time you get airborne...a very special gift!
Great tribute to your father, Jerry. My condolences to you and your family on your loss.
My condolences to you and your family. It?s obvious your Dad made the world a better place and the evidence is you and your son. A life well done!
Your photos and story make us all treasure fathers like this. Looks like you had many great times with him.

I lost my father one year ago today. It leaves a hole in your life that can't be filled in except with many good memories. Sorry for your loss, I know how it feels.
Ring Master

Jerry I had a Ring Master as a kid too. Good memories. Think of your dad when you fly. He will be with you.
My condolences on the loss of your father. It sounds like you guys had a great relationship both in and out of aviation.
I recently lost my dad, so I can sure relate to the empty feeling that exists, especially when you are doing something that you both used to do. You are in my prayers.

Brad Simmons

A great testimonial to your Dad. Thanks for sharing and reminding us about the important things. We never fly alone.
Thanks again guys for your very kind words. It was very helpful and thank you for sharing some of your stories as well.

Also, I'm amazed by how many of you have flown a Ringmaster! Pretty cool!

Take care and all the best!