
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
My brother-in-law, Richard Jurek of San Marcos, TX passed away early this morning from a brain tumor at the age of 56. He was our daughter Audrey’s Godfather.

He was a hard working, kind person and we are going to miss him dearly. Dick and I had many, many discussions about our airplane and flying in general, at every family gathering over the last 15 years.

I would greatly appreciate any prayers you might be willing to offer up for his soul, his wife Patricia (my wife's sister), and their three children.

Rest in Peace Richard.
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Deepest condolences

I know his illness and death have brought a terrible sadness to your family and you have my deepest condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, including Susie, you, and the kids.
DR, I can imagine some of those conversations and hope those and all the memories you and the entire family have of Dick carry you through the tough times. Its the great memories which linger the longest and strongest.

We're thinking of you with such positive energy. Take comfort and take care.
I would greatly appreciate any prayers you might be willing to offer up for his soul, his wife Patricia (my wife's sister), and their three children.

Rest in Peace Richard.

You, and your family are now on my prayer list.

Give your family a hug for me, RIP Richard.
Doug, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the pain for you and your family eases with time and the good memories triumph over the hole in your lives you must be all be feeling. Hang in there.

Best thoughts and wishes

Jeremy Constant
I'm so sorry for your family's loss, Doug. I'm closer with my brother-in-law than I am with my own brother. And man, I'm really learning to HATE CANCER with a passion that scares me a little. It's hit so many people I know lately that I'm starting to think about it much more than is healthy for me, really. Cancer researchers are my heroes, as I could never do such work even though it's among the most important frontiers left to conquer. My thoughts are with you and yours this sad day.

Doug, I have a post-it note with Richard's name on it near my monitor. It's been there since you first told us about Richard's cancer. We will continue to think of his family in the coming days.
Hey Doug,

So sorry to hear this.....especially at such a young age. May Heavenly Father Bless and Comfort all of you during this time in your lives. We all know how much power there is in Prayers.....I'm sure you'll find some peace and comfort knowing that so many have included you guys in their Prayers.
Feeling your pain, brother. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Thoughts and prayers for you, Susie and the whole family.

Doug, Remembrer the good times. The pain will fade away with time. I wish you and your family good things forever.