
Well Known Member
Got this from the girlfriend today. We've been talking about building a plane for a while now, and about a month ago I asked her this question. We placed the deposit 2 weeks ago for an RV7.

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That's good news!

I met my wife just after starting on the tail kit and ordered the fuselage kit the week before the wedding. Her and her father (he's a pilot as well) were there through the entire build. I would fair to guess she either drove or bucked one third of the rivets.
Awesome! Building a-7 myself. You need the best support staff you can get...wife is most important. They sign on to a very long, expensive, sometimes frustrating commitment. My girl is in the shop whenever I need her; it is great to have someone on hand 24/7 to lend a hand.

Excited? Wait until that first box/crate lands at you build site!
Looks like you have an awesome girl friend!

I built my RV-7A. About a year or so later, my wife started work on her masters degree. She told me that since she was going to be so busy (i.e. no time for me) that I should consider building another airplane. I said okay after pondering the idea for 2 seconds. :)

I love my wife!
Got this from the girlfriend today. We've been talking about building a plane for a while now, and about a month ago I asked her this question. We placed the deposit 2 weeks ago for an RV7.


Oh boy you're in trouble now!:D pick one, G/F or plane, having both is pure greed!:D
She?s a keeper

Got this from the girlfriend today. We've been talking about building a plane for a while now, and about a month ago I asked her this question. We placed the deposit 2 weeks ago for an RV7.


Doesn?t get any better than that! She?s a keeper.
You might as well prepare for having 2 planes. She may want to build her own someday. :D
This one is for her. I get to stay at home and build for 6 months while she pays the bills. The next one will probably be an Extra.
Where do I find me one of these mythical creatures who would enjoy building a plane with me? I'm all ears...