Paul 5r4

Well Known Member

Thought I'd give a brief review of my ADSB install, cost and how it works. I bought the Navworx EXP 600 while at sun-n-fun from the ifly folks. Adventure pilot was selling them $100 cheeper than the navworx booth in the next building. I also purchased the trans-mon antenna adapter as well as the internal GPS antenna. Total cost for items was $1457 then add $76.05 for the UAT antenna from Delta Pop aviation. Shane, ifly VP I think, also stated he might be able to pull a few strings and get the unit sooner than the usual 6-8 week wait. (I spoke to one guy in home built camping that waited 6 months!). Anyway, Shane did pull stings and my unit arrived in about a month.

The install was strait forward. I placed the navworx box on the aft bulkhead because it was where I had the older sky radar placed so power was already available at that spot. I know it's visible but I think it's a neat install. I only had to run the trans-mon cable forward and under the panel to the transponder coax to get the squawk & altitude information. The trans-mon adapter was money well spent!!! In just a few minutes the cable was secured to the coax and zip tied along the way. SO MUCH EASIER than digging around under the panel in the xpder wiring harness looking for the correct pin out etc! My total install time was about 6 hours which included putting connectors on the RG400 coax to the UAT antenna as well as installing the UAT antenna. After finishing up the install, I downloaded their configuration app to my iPad and in literally a couple of minutes it said I was ready to fly.

Today was the test flight and it was a good day for it because thunderstorms and scattered rain were in the area. I was use to the sky radar and had come to depend on it so I had something to compare the navworx adsb against. I took off and by the time I was at pattern altitude I was receiving several ADSB towers and nexred weather was popping up onto my ifly 720 and the nexus tablet! I was use to seeing this nexred stuff so I was especially interested in the traffic picture. I soon saw several targets being painted about 10 to my south and one about 5 to the north and +2500 ft relative to my altitude heading my way. I turned into him to see if he would actually be where this was telling me he was. SPOT ON! Before the flight was over I had seen several targets that otherwise would never have been seen. You still have to keep a good look out for non transponder AC but overall a huge increase in safety! I had a very near miss a few years back.... literally 30 feet off of my right wing heading the opposite way!!! So if this magic box helps with increased awareness of whats out there it's worth it. I'm happy I decided to take the plunge! I had thought I would be spending around 5K or so to be 2020 compliant but with this navworx 600 EXP, internal gps antenna, trans-mon adapter and a UAT antenna I have it all for $1533.05! I'm very satisfied! Maybe this will help others in making decisions.
Clean report from the FAA for

my Navworx EXP install in the -6A. I am using the encoder feed from the Dynon D10A and the Garmin 327 is my control box.

All is good and the FAA blessed it.

1090ES Receiver

Thanks for the write up. Have you heard anything about the 1090ES Receiver Upgrade:

"1090ES Receiver - Now included as a standard feature. A future software update (free) will enable the feature at a later date."

ADS600-EXP - TransMonSPE

I ordered my Navworx system directly from Navworx on April 4/16 and received the full package on May 9/16, exactly within the timeframe Bill Moffitt had promised before I placed the order.

My system was installed in an RV-4. After I finally decided where I would mount the brain box ,which was under the cockpit floor attached to the .040 belly skin, the installation was simple. The actual installation time was less than 4 hours, unassisted by any technician. My traffic display is on an Apple iPad mini via the included wifi using Seattle Avionics iFlyQ app . A test flight showed I was able to see traffic, but didn't see any aircraft registration numbers. I first attempted to configure the system using the configuration software (version 5.3 I believe) linked on the company website using my PC, but I failed. A call to Bill Moffitt confirmed the incorrect software was listed on the website. He suggested I try using my iPad using an app in the Apple Store, then I was able to complete the configuration.

I recently saw Van's Forum postings regarding using a newer configuration version 5.6 software, which hopefully will enable me receiving traffic using 1090ES. I have sent a message to Navworx to help me understand whether I should clear my Apple configuration data and reconfigure using the new Version 5.6.

The total cost of my system ordering directly, including shipping was $1,748.

Jake Thiessen
Independence, OR
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Hi Jake,

When I get the latest release from Bill I will make it available on the server and post a note to the navworx threads here. It will magically show up in your app to download. Once downloaded you can take it to your plane even if you are off-grid and out of coverage as the version is stored once you download it.

I wrote the iOS app for Navworx so feel free to pm with issues or questions.
Thanks for the writeup, Paul. That is the exact combination I plan to install in my RV-7A. I see that you checked the ADSB in function but did you check the out portion yet and how do you go about assuring that it is acceptable with the FAA? Thanks.

ADS-B Operation Compliance Report

In my prior post I did not address the FAA Operation Report that came back to me within 24 hours of requesting a report of the status of my 978 ADS-B Out.

I sent an email to [email protected] stating when I test flew the system south of Portland Oregon and they returned a report with no exceptions, except my encoding altimeter was not quite within the required parameters. I will be checking my pitot and static lines for anomalies before I request another compliance check.

The information to be included in the compliance request is:
1. Aircraft registration number, 2. Manufacturer of ADS-B equipment 3.Position source (which is the WAAS complying GPS) in the case of Navworx, I believe that to be "Accord Technology NexNav Mini GPS unit"
NavWorx and Garmin 796 compatibility?

Does anyone know if you can display traffic and weather from the ADSB NavWorx into the Garmin 796? :confused:
Navworx external GPS antenna?

One question I have is on the Navworx external GPS antenna. It is listed as $378. Why would a GPS antenna cost so much?
Does anyone know if you can display traffic and weather from the ADSB NavWorx into the Garmin 796? :confused:

The Garmin reps at Sun N Fun stated that no matter what equipment is used for ADS-B out, a 696/796 will pick up the ADS-B broadcast information and display it.
Check the antenna approval list carefully. Many are picking up the used Garmin GPS pucks for next to nothing. And they are on the list.
I don't see where the Garmin antenna is on the approved list. The only antennas I see are the Navworx internal or external antennas.

Where do you see that the Garmin antennas are approved?
from a previous poster

Default GPS antenna for 600B
Funny thing. I just downloaded the install manual for the TSO'd 600B, and went to table 4-4 which states which antenna's can work with the 600B. I was surprised that the GA-35 WAAS GPS antenna was not listed, but the GA-56 non WAAS was. Also approved was the AT575-43 which is the only antenna listed for the 600-EXP unit.

Go figure. Is this correct, or is my old mind playing tricks on me.
Nick, the GA-56 is cheaper and is probably what the -B was tested with. Also, as others have said, many of these are available used for almost nothing since they've been swapped out for Garmin's GA-35.

Ben, the internal is cheap, has great reception, and is easy to install in an Experimental. The -B approved externals will work too. I've asked Bill why the difference in the lists and will post when he gives me an answer.
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How long is the cable on the internal-mounted antenna Navworx sells? (I'm wondering if it's long enough to route up to the glare shield if the remote unit is installed behind the baggage compartment bulkhead.)
15 feet, Doug. You can snip the SMA that comes with it and crimp a new one one after you route if the SMA won't fit through existing bushings. You could also just route it to behind the seats high up where some people put the headset hangers. That would shorten your routing considerably.
15 feet, Doug. You can snip the SMA that comes with it and crimp a new one one after you route if the SMA won't fit through existing bushings. You could also just route it to behind the seats high up where some people put the headset hangers. That would shorten your routing considerably.

Thanks! It's good to know about those options.

I have a few more questions, too...

1. For the TransMonSPE, can I substitute a longer USB cable if necessary? (I had seen a post about this on the forum but haven't been able to find it again.)

2. About the iPad app - is it true that I could do all the updates/configuration necessary on the EXP with the app? That would be very convenient indeed.

3. Is the mounting hole diagram (p. 21 of the EXP installation manual Rev. 3 - 2015-5-9) current and correct? If so, I could start working on a mounting solution while waiting for the unit.

1. For the TransMonSPE, can I substitute a longer USB cable if necessary? (I had seen a post about this on the forum but haven't been able to find it again.)
Yes. But the cable supplied is pretty long.

2. About the iPad app - is it true that I could do all the updates/configuration necessary on the EXP with the app? That would be very convenient indeed.
Yes. The app replaces most of the features of the PC console. I wrote the iOS app so feel free to ping me with questions once you have it.

3. Is the mounting hole diagram (p. 21 of the EXP installation manual Rev. 3 - 2015-5-9) current and correct? If so, I could start working on a mounting solution while waiting for the unit.
I don't have my test box right now so I can't confirm. I wouldn't drill any holes until you have the box in your hands.

1. For the TransMonSPE, can I substitute a longer USB cable if necessary? (I had seen a post about this on the forum but haven't been able to find it again.)
Yes. But the cable supplied is pretty long.

2. About the iPad app - is it true that I could do all the updates/configuration necessary on the EXP with the app? That would be very convenient indeed.
Yes. The app replaces most of the features of the PC console. I wrote the iOS app so feel free to ping me with questions once you have it.

3. Is the mounting hole diagram (p. 21 of the EXP installation manual Rev. 3 - 2015-5-9) current and correct? If so, I could start working on a mounting solution while waiting for the unit.
I don't have my test box right now so I can't confirm. I wouldn't drill any holes until you have the box in your hands.


Great - thanks!
From Bill at NavWorx: Any TSO-C190 or TSO-C144 antenna will work for the EXP. The -B manual only lists antennas that were used in testing.
Got mine up, running and configured!
Getting a constant "0x10 TX/RX Fail" message. I have done the EEPROM reset as well as backing out to a previous version and reloading. A bunch of configuration changes and changing the order of device change!
I have notified NAVWORX - with no response...maybe they're too busy with the FAA to answer my mail from before Thanksgiving.
Hi Ralph,

I assume that's coming from the PC Config app. If you are getting all greens and a "Ready to Fly" go fly it and make sure you get high enough to pick up a tower or two. If you fly with Fore-Flight you will need to change the Port setting to 4000. This is currently only possible using the iOS (Apple) app. If you use WingX you do not have to change the port.

For those with 10.x on their Apple devices, we are STILL trying to nail down the send problem between the EXP box and the App. It is DNS related (the box has no DNS server and Apple thinks it does) but we have not found the magic sauce yet and Darth FAA-der's eruption has not made this any easier. Be aware - I have not given up on this problem and will find a solution.

And, NO, I have no info into the FAA thing other than what you know already. We're all waiting...
Port setting?

If you fly with Fore-Flight you will need to change the Port setting to 4000. This is currently only possible using the iOS (Apple) app.

Could someone please tell me where and how you change the port setting to 4000? Thanks
Before the FAA bruhaha, Bill Moffitt and I had been communicating about the "0x10 TX/RX Fail" message and indicated that it needed to be 'fixed' somehow. He told me to test things a number of times - which I did in different order.

I got no response to the e-mail I sent out with my results - as in I got the same error message regardless of the starting order...and every time!

I've flown it already with it running. I don't know where any towers are near me - I'm out on the DelMarVa peninsula - not much traffic to begin with...but I guess I could look for a weather display to know I'm getting something back!
DOWNLOAD the Equip ADS-B Google Earth map to look at the location of ADS-B rule airspace at your home base and where you fly.
DOWNLOAD a KML file to be opened with Google Earth. This file was made by John Collins. On the left side of the Google Earth screen are check boxes to choose the display of ADS-B and Radar coverage at various altitudes.
Ralph, ADS-B towers are located near you at:

24096 Lankford Hwy
Cape Charles, VA 23310
37.251451, -75.974304

611 Main St
Stevensville, MD 21666
38.978822, -76.309290

ADS-B ground station antennas are frequently mounted atop cell phone towers.
Before the FAA bruhaha, Bill Moffitt and I had been communicating about the "0x10 TX/RX Fail" message and indicated that it needed to be 'fixed' somehow. He told me to test things a number of times - which I did in different order.

I got no response to the e-mail I sent out with my results - as in I got the same error message regardless of the starting order...and every time!

I've flown it already with it running. I don't know where any towers are near me - I'm out on the DelMarVa peninsula - not much traffic to begin with...but I guess I could look for a weather display to know I'm getting something back!

You should get wx after a few minutes' flying around DelMarVa above 1500.' The only tower I know for sure is near W29, but there are definitely more because I reliably get both wx and traffic flying out of ESN and a frequent visitor to GED.
Flew it again Sunday

Beautiful weather - got some decent altitude.

The weather was CAVU where I was and there were no other planes up.

I punched through the menus - but couldn't see any indication that I was (or had) gotten anything from the ground to my ADS-600B. Any idea of what I should see on either the traffic or weather screens?

I also submitted a PAPR request through the FAA website - their response showed no report generated...I'll see if I can get the NAVWORX folks to respond as well!
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NAVWORX E-mail bounced

I just sent an e-mail to a number of NAVWORX addresses that I have used in the recent past - all bounced. Here's to hoping it is a simple problem - like a server failure...instead of them closing their doors! Their website is still up and running...

Fingers crossed!

Anyone out there with some additional insight - we would appreciate an update!
I just sent an e-mail to a number of NAVWORX addresses that I have used in the recent past - all bounced. Here's to hoping it is a simple problem - like a server failure...instead of them closing their doors! Their website is still up and running...

Fingers crossed!

Anyone out there with some additional insight - we would appreciate an update!

All my emails to support since this debacle started has gone unanswered. In all fairness, I haven't had the time to follow up with a phone call either.
I just tried a phone call---------no answer.

Could be due to the holiday's ---------- at least I hope so.
Hmmm emails bouncing and unanswered calls. From the last position letter posted on their site, there's nothing but finger pointing going on. A company can't survive like this and I'm, (very sadly), thinking it's going to be the end of navworx. I do believe everything they posted in their statement. Just look at the FAA. Starts with "Hey, we're going to give the first XXXX people that install ADSB $500!" It wasn't long before there were all kinds of catches and gotchas to disqualify a particular installation. I would bet that someone buying something from the big players for 5-7+ thousand bucks and spending another couple grand for installation aren't having trouble getting their rebates. It's all politics. What kind of warped reasoning is it for them to say we're going to mandate everyone do this stuff by 2020.... folks start installing, (only to end up being punished for complying), and then the FAA says only certain receivers will get the signals. I just can't comprehend their way of thinking. It's simple.... if EVERYONE is receiving traffic information that's the safest it could possibly be. I said it before and will again. If I ever have a mid-air because of this, what irony if the other plane was carrying some of the decision makers in all this.

I AM happy to report that my 600 EXP continues to work beautifully! :)
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not good

not looking good... some of their employees called around Dallas looking for work back on the 15th...
Very interesting flight logic! I was wondering if someone in their local area would eventually go by their shop to see if the doors are locked or what??? I still believe the FAA bears the blunt of responsibility for this. With that said, the folks at Navworx should let their customers know what their plans were/are. Looking like they will just lock the doors and call it a day? Maybe we'll hear something eventually.
I think the real issue here is simple: the 'new' FAA policy of allowing boxes that 'meet the performance requirements of a TSO' but do not actually carry a TSO. The same rules apply to transponders and ifr GPS, but to my knowledge no one has attempted to use a non-TSO box for those. So this is new ground, and the rules are not clear. What does it take to 'meet the performance standards'? It's clear that the FAA and NavWorx had different views. It's not even clear to me if the burden is NavWorx's or the individual owners'.
Bob T. I think you are correct on the issue. We will all find out if this is true or not with the final ruling on this issue. The" meeting performance standards" has never been fleshed out as to "what does that mean" and I believe the FAA will never do that, but instead use this method ( sadly) to either support such ruling or deny thru the AD process. Unfortunately for us as EXP users and/or small business owners, will never survive this process. And they know that.
Flew mine again over the weekend - around GED and at an altitude where I should have gotten an ADS-B signal. Saw traffic - but no ADS-B warning.

Based on my TX/RX fail message, I think I have a technical issue...wish NavWorx would respond to my follow-up request!
Install diagram

It seems there is no longer an install diagram for the
600exp on Navworx web page. Does anyone have a PDF?

I need the pin out for the 9 pin db connector. Thanks.
I ll send you a Pic of one when I get back to the hangar sometime today. If you 'll send me a text to 7708233426.
I just downloaded it.....still there
Under the downloads, if you hover your mouse, it gives you the software option - I clicked on that and it brought up a new page...
Ralph I still haven't removed that TransmonSPE from under the co-pilot seat. Its not a very heavy brick!! If you're still interested in getting hold of it for your SL70 testing maybe I can get it out while IRMA passes thru.