
Active Member
It's been too long in coming. I had my inspection this week and N708CM now has a pink slip in it. If I fly to OSH I am not sure where to park it. In the RV section or with the antiques.


Congrats Sir. My -8 is now 4 years old and I'm only on the wings. Folks like you give me hope that my project will see completion. I'll make sure to look for it this year at OSH.

Fly safe.
Persistence pays off. And it is definitely not an antique; it is brand new. (And pretty, to boot.)

Good job:D

What I can see of the paint is real purdy;)

How bout more photos??
Congrats Don!! I recall your name on the RV-List way back in the early 90s when I was first thinking about building an RV. It is really heartening to learn that you finally finished this baby.

Good luck with the flight testing. Don't rush now.
Congratulations! I just flew my 6A for the first time August 2010 (not painted yet) after 17.5 years of building.

Congrats Don!

How long does it take a good bottle of scotch, rye, or wine to age?? Your aircraft looks great! Enjoy it!


Thanks for the encouragement!

Congratulations Don,
I am working on the wiring and fwf on my very slow buld -6A. I have been at it off and on for 15 years. I see the end in sight and you helped me stay positive about my build!
Congratulations and I'll look for you at OSH.

Outstanding study in persistence. Don you've just made my day!:D
Congratulations, Don!

I've used your website many times for reference. Thank you for that!

I'm into my 15th year and am looking to finish it this year, so I don't plan on challenging your time frame.;)

Enjoy the fruits of your labor now!
Now the fun part !

I'm right there with you, as my almost 17 yr. old RV-4 project became an airplane a couple weeks ago. I am glad I stuck with all the ups and downs in between to get to the finish line ! Congratulations on your "pink slip" and maybe I will see you at OSH...(RV area!)

Bill Englert
RV-4 phase 1
Advance NC (8A7)
Congratulations Don!

I just returned to my emp control surfaces after a 5 year break:(
You're giving me hope!

Blue skies.
Indeed, MORE PICS!

As a fellow VSB*, I can appreciate your joy at having finally completed your project.

However, do know that the best is yet ahead of you. I've read this line so many times -- as have you -- and you're about to learn the reality of it:


I went up yesterday for the first time in a month (crappy winter weather around here) and it was exhilirating! I craved a cigarette after landing. :D

Here's hoping you countless hours of cruising along, looking around at your workmanship in wonderment and smiling at your accomplishments!


*Very Slow Builder
Congratulations Don. That paint job sure looks familiar. Could it be a replica of a certain Ercoupe?

Persistence pays off, maybe there is hope for me finishing my project as well one day.
Congratulations and thank you Don! I've been on my 6 for 13 years and I just attached the wings and ready to mount the motor! I don't feel quite as slugish any longer!.

looks great.. hope to see you at OSH soon!
It looks brand new!

It looks really good for being so darn old. :)
Congratulations. Be careful and enjoy your creation.
Don, congratulations! I'm coming up on 11 years working on my -6A, and you've made me feel better. Just a few more wing bolts (I think somebody's coming into the hangar and taking them out when I'm not looking), finishing up the baffling baffles, and a couple of fairings and she's all done.

im almost done as well kit ordered in 1995 looks like i can say early this summer first flight hangging in there GET UR DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I better get moving on mine. 22 years and counting for me. I have restarted on the project though. Just ordered a new electrical system and I'm redoing my panel to better organize it.

RE the RV-List. To tell you how long I've been at this, Matt and I combined separate lists of emails we had for other RV builders and he created the RV List from that.
get ur done

iv been at mine since 95 let see 95 2000 05 10 11 yes 16 yrs now installing radios and avionics wiring complete next is spinner prop arrived monday from sisenich how ever they spell it but this thing is really gonna fly this summer thanks for all of you on vaf i have used your support and comments so much along the way your, opps i mean were great as a team of rv ers this is really exciting now more later.

[email protected]

Don!...people like yu..inspire us all!.....this is not any easy thing to do!..many congratulations...stan...RV8..battlin on!....
To Almarsh...HS6 RV6A....

Yu are the fellas that inspire us all!..keep going! the journey of life!..I.m 65 yrs old!...RV8 nearly to come over from Aussie and offer my very limited expertise to yu!!....RV8..getting close!...wiring checked!...engine prop stuff...paintin done!.. friggin around with plenum...ram air...cowl...never ending!.. .....stan...rgds to all!

that is one heck of a feat of perciverance if ive ever herd of, so that means if you can did the rest of us need to get busy, and then have rv antique flyin some day. congrats once again job well done mate.