
Well Known Member
Hey guys,
Well my lovely wife and I just got back from Columbus and the Gathering of Mustangs...And what a Awesome experience:) It was truly a great honor to see and watch those awesome P-51s. We left S37 around 8am and pointed the nose west, we had clear skies and smooth sailing. The winds aloft were just about completely N/S so we basically had no headwind and saw 176KTS the whole way out there. As we let down I called Columbus approach and they vectored us right over Columbus and into TZR(Bolton field). After clearing the active a follow me truck was right there to guide us to a parking sight, no sooner did we shut down and a SUV was there to take us and our bags to the FBO.
We grabbed a rental car and picked up a wayward Canadian pilot:D and headed over to the show. And again all I can say is wow!! We saw the F-15 the F-16 and....The F-22, man those machines are raw power:D When they would hit the throttle you could feel your body shake from the was so cool:) Also got to see the Thunderbirds for the first time very, very nice, but the absolute highlight for my wife and I were the Mustangs. They had more 51s there than you could imagine it was really neat to stand there and see a long line of nothing but Mustangs.
And on top of that get the chance to say hello and thank you to some amazing men who flew these machines in war. Well after some really cool fly bys and getting to see some friends and getting a little sunburned we headed for the hotel and hit the hay.
And any of you who have small kids(aka 2yr olds:D) knows how nice it is once in awhile to sleep in:D We got up got back to the airport and were in the air by 12n and home to S37 by 1:50pm.
These RVs are just the best thing since sliced bread, we got to see some great planes and people, got to have a nice husband and wife get away, all while traveling 640NM round trip and not evening miss a beat or much of any football games, and for less than most people would have spent on airline tickets alone. You builders keep pounding it is sooooo worth it:D

I will start with my favorite Mustang "CripesAmighty" Dakota Queens paint is based on Maj. Preddys Mustang

Next is my little boys favorite P-51


Line em up

Another Great trip in Dakota Queen

Sea Of Mustangs and people
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Hey Kirk,

Having recently making it home after my third day in a row there, I agree 100% that it was an amazing show! I'll get some of my pics up later, but for some reason I can't seem to see yours :confused:

Anyway, glad to hear you had a great time and a safe trip home! :)
Trip To Ohio

Hi Kirk and Laura,
We surely liked the pictures! It looks like it was a lot of fun and to see a piece of history is well worth it. We're glad you enjoyed yourselves. Thanks for sharing with us.
Mom & Dad H.