
Well Known Member
Reference subject line.

I've seen it discussed here, I believe. I also seem to recall Bob Nuckolls accepting the practice.

Is there anything written about the practice?
Does anyone have some references regarding what they've found acceptable? Is it a case of "if it fits and passes the pull test"?

I don't want tp make it habit but I've got some spots where this would really make things cleaner and simpler.

Your thoughts/references/etc would be appreciated.
It is very common to do this. However, crimp connectors are specifically designed to a given wire size or range. Some manufacturers will give you a recommended combination of wires, rarely beyond two wires, and then specific sizes are given that are allowed “together”.

If you don’t follow the specifics called out by the terminal manufacturer, you are on your own.

I have done it many times on the “crimp and pull test” but never beyond a couple wires. However, there are guides to do it from reputable sources, like Aero Electric, showing many more wires grouped. I have to ask, how are they sure all of the wires get captured properly, both electrically and mechanically.
For small current applications, probably not as big a deal, but….

If I have more than two wires I will use a solder splice to get them down to one wire, of appropriate gage. This insures a good electrical connection.
3 wires

I found 3 wires are about the limit. The settings on the crimper will need to be adjusted accordingly. What i do, for example, if 2ea 20 AWG wires are used, then this would be equivalent to a 16 AWG setting (not exactly, but close enough). They easiest way to determine the equivalent single wire for a two or three wire crimp is to look at an engineering reference, add up the circular mils of each wire, find an equivalent single wire gauge close to this total, and use that setting on the crimper.

I would not do more than 3 because the pull out force maybe too low to be good. YMMV. JMHO