Jess Baker

I'm New Here
I am planning to upgrade my very old instrument panel and would like to include a multi-functional display, (MFD). I am seeking any suggestions or comments, (positive or negative), of displays that you have worked with in your RVs.

I have a 1992 RV6 and I would like to have the display compatable to a Garmin 430W. I have looked at the Dynon 180 model along with several others. Just not sure which one works better for the RVs.

Any suggestions that you have would be greatly appreciated.

Gosh, one Vs the other doesn't know the difference if its an RV or not. It's not about the RV as they all do the same things. It's more about Vendor support (which they are all good), user interface (here they differ, just different, all complicated). I have dual GRT, but I confess I don't have hands on experience with other vendors. Those whom I know that have AFS & Dynon love them also.

I really suggest you find local pilots (or Avionics shop) who have a GRT, AFS, Dynon, MGL, Garmin, etc. and run through a show and tell with them. It's going to be more about how it fits YOU than the airplane.
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I love my Grand Rapids GRT HX 8.4" duel screen duel AHRS systems in both my RV-10 and RV-6A. I have also already bought the duel 8.4" system for my RV-7 project. But the best thing about Grand Rapids is there support and upgrade policy. I started out with Grand Rapids back in 2004 when they only had small screen non synthatic vision displays that by todays standard are about midway between round vacumn gauges and todays glass panels. I have been given full credit on my original purchases from Grand Rapids against the current price upgrades on all my units, even ones that were three years old.

Grand Rapids is the best company out there both in product support and upgrade policy. By the time I get ready to cut the panel on the RV-7 they will probably have a newer system out that I will upgrade from the duel 8.4" HX system I already have bought. The RV-10 panel (duel 8.4" HX plus a third sport 100 display for dedicated engine monitor) has seen two GRT upgrades and there is no more room in the panel for any further upgrade. The RV-6A panel with duel 8.4" HX screens also is full.

With the speed that Glass Screen systems change in the industry the first question I would ask a company is what is there upgrade policy. GRT's policy of giving me full credit on my upgrades is hard to beat.
Hi Jess.... a 41 year ag pilot myself, learning all this new-fangled stuff in my sixties was a ball!

I have a Dynon 100 EFIS and set its default page (there are several pages) to be 2/3 EFIS and 1/3 HSI, where I see all my nav info and also Loc/GS on the one screen....very easy compared to scanning six or seven round gauges the old way.

Most all the glass EFIS's have HSI info and will all "speak" and listen, to your 430W, which is also what I have. In addition to that, they calculate your winds aloft continually, since the 430 tells it your ground speed and track. The EFIS already knows your magnetic heading and pressure altitude and with all that info, can calculate your winds aloft...nice


I second this comment! I have three GRT EFIS's in my RV-7A. I fly a lot of hard IFR. Best units for the money in my opinion...

Fred Stucklen
RV-7A N924RV 520 Hrs

I love my Grand Rapids GRT HX 8.4" duel screen duel AHRS systems in both my RV-10 and RV-6A. I have also already bought the duel 8.4" system for my RV-7 project. But the best thing about Grand Rapids is there support and upgrade policy. I started out with Grand Rapids back in 2004 when they only had small screen non synthatic vision displays that by todays standard are about midway between round vacumn gauges and todays glass panels. I have been given full credit on my original purchases from Grand Rapids against the current price upgrades on all my units, even ones that were three years old.

Grand Rapids is the best company out there both in product support and upgrade policy. By the time I get ready to cut the panel on the RV-7 they will probably have a newer system out that I will upgrade from the duel 8.4" HX system I already have bought. The RV-10 panel (duel 8.4" HX plus a third sport 100 display for dedicated engine monitor) has seen two GRT upgrades and there is no more room in the panel for any further upgrade. The RV-6A panel with duel 8.4" HX screens also is full.

With the speed that Glass Screen systems change in the industry the first question I would ask a company is what is there upgrade policy. GRT's policy of giving me full credit on my upgrades is hard to beat.
Advanced Flight Systems


since you are going to have to build a new panel anyway, you're free to choose from many available options/companies/units.

my advice: make sure you get to see / try / feel the various units at least once in real life. websites give you a good overview, but the many small things you might also appreciate highly can never be "read" in theory...

that being said,
we love our two Advanced Flight Systems AF3400's systems with synthetic vision. not only are they capable of practically every killer feature in the efis world, but they also display it in professional style while not trying to reinvent the wheel on what works great on airliners. dynamic performance of the speedtape for example is many times better than on the certified, high $$$ g1000 system that i flew on the da40 previously. that's a great example on what you will not find written in any spec sheets...
make sure you include advanced in your research.

also, depending on how big your repanel-project ends up being, if it involves massive rewiring, at least consider vertical power in your plans... might not make sense if it's just an efis-instead-of-the-six-pack type mod, might simplify wiring massively however if you end up changing everything.

rgds, bernie
I've been agonizing over this for months. Here's the desicion I came to:

You can't go wrong with any of them. Read the comments of all the owners, I've yet to see anyone say "this thing is a piece of FOD." Decide what your ultimate goal is for use and go from there on how nuts you want to get.

Day VFR, I'd go with a Dynon D-10/100 or 180, or a GRT sport. If you want synthetic vision, 7" skyview or a smaller AFS single screen unit.

Night VFR, same but add a second screen and battry back up.

IFR, over to you. AFS, GRT, Dynon are all superb tools. Dual screen, dual battery backup at a minimum. AFS and GRT support VP-X which is a huge plus if you want to go down that road. AFS has some pretty cool features as far as displaying charts/plates.

The list goes on, do you want integral txpdr, autopilot integration, XM weather, blah blah blah!!!!!

I've done a ton of research on this, and I change my mind all the time. :mad:

Good luck!
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You ask for it.
I installed a BMA EFIS/AP in my plane. At the time there weren't any other choices under 10,000.00.

I had problems with the system from day one.

I ended up removing it and rebuilding my panel.

I installed TT AP. Having the AP depend on the EFIS to work is a mistake.
The AP needs to be able to operate independently for safety.

I installed AFS 3500. I first panel had an AFS 2500 engine monitor and AFS AOA installed in it. I never had a any problems with either one.

I have been very happy with my AFS EFIS.

I've yet to see anyone say "this thing is a piece of FOD."

You ask for it.
I installed a BMA EFIS/AP in my plane. At the time there weren't any other choices under 10,000.00.

I had problems with the system from day one.

I ended up removing it and rebuilding my panel.

I installed TT AP. Having the AP depend on the EFIS to work is a mistake.
The AP needs to be able to operate independently for safety.

I installed AFS 3500. I first panel had an AFS 2500 engine monitor and AFS AOA installed in it. I never had a any problems with either one.

I have been very happy with my AFS EFIS.


Ah ha! Finally, SOMEONE!!!