
Active Member
Is anyone running the MTV-12-B/183-59b propeller? I’m curious if it’s worth it over the two blade Hartzell. Maybe smoother but anything else?

Bill Gardner
I think you'll find the MT to be smoother with hardly any noticeable vibration, it is significantly lighter, and has no RPM restricted zones, similar cruise speeds and a faster climb. to top it off; it looks much better! I also maintain that it will add to the value of the airplane.
mixed bag

The good:
Looks cool standing still, climbs better than most.
The bad:
Watch your CG shift, higher rebuild cost, just a touch slower in level flight

That said, I love mine.
As has been said, the MT is slightly faster in climb, but slower in cruise where it counts for an airplane like the RV. It'll also move your c.g. aft and make it tougher to remove/install your lower cowling.

Some think that it looks better, but that's a poser argument and only valid on the ground. Do you care about that sort of thing? I sure don't.

Is all of that worth the extra cost? That's a value decision that each must make for himself. For me, on the RV-14(A), the Hartzell wins every time.