Those are breathtaking photos. How high did you climb to get that vantage?
Before it blew its top....

I remember regularly flying around and/or over MSH for years before the eruption.

I remember sailing and camping on Spirit Lake -- lost to the eruption.

I remember the lava dome building and venting before the big blow.

I had a student on his first sole XC [to Yakama] the morning of the eruption -- talk about sweating bullets waiting to hear from him!

That was all a long time ago in a land far away....

But I'm still flying!
Those are some breathtaking shots! I have never seen that from this view!
Also there

I was in Spokane attending the annual Fairchild AFB airshow so I too was buried in ash - a complete black out for about an hour - and stuck in Spokane for what seemed like forever.
Perfect conditions and pics Carl! Thanks for sharing.

Chris are you watching from Switzerland? I hope it is that nice when you visit.
Absolutely amazing pictures, thank you for posting them, as well as your whole experience! I look forward to getting the RV-6 out West to see all the sights! I can't believe you had such a smooth flight that day over those rugged mountains. Well done!