
Active Member
Hello all,

I finally completed the installation of my new 3-blade MT Prop. Thanks to everyone who helped along the way. Lots of good advice and knowledge came from asking questions here. Thank you!

I didn't take live video but did take lots of pictures of the process and put together a little video presentation that will hopefully help if anyone else is looking to do this work. The video got a little long but hopefully it has good information.

This was all done as part of my owner assisted annual and the paperwork was finished today. As such...I have not flown the plane. I'll report back on that when the time comes.

Don?t forget that changing to a constant speed prop puts you back in Phase 1. Curiously, changing to a different engine does not...
Ross, Thank you for posting such a thorough & informative post, I think it would?ve taken me longer to compile your technical data then it would to do the job , i?ve always worked on fixed pitch aircraft but my current project is a constant speed and hopefully this takes away A majority of the gotcha?s
Ed,, you gotta remember your retired, 4:19 AM