chris mitchell

Well Known Member
I'm struggling with what I think is not very good documentation of what needs to be mounted where and how. I've been struggling with the prop governor, the control arm and the governor bracket. The photo (I hope) shows where I've got to. This orientation seems to be the only one where the various slots and holes between th governor and the engine make sense, and the only position that the bracket then fits into. However, the whole thing then looks rotated from what I would have called 9.00 round to 11.00. As I understand the Vans instructions I need still to rotate the control arm all the way round to what is going to be abut 2.00. Have I completely misunderstood? It bears no resemblance to the Vans drawing or pictures I have previously seen.

The engine was assembled by JadeAir here in England so I'm presuming that he mount for the governor is mounted correctly to the block.

As ever, waiting hopefully for helpful comments.


Thanks - pleased to see the orientation of the governor and bracket look identical to mine. I need to move the control arm around. The only other thing that has occurred to me after some more fiddling around is to file the bracket a bit so that it fits one bolt around to get the horizontal orientation. Just wondering if anyone has done that? Are the brackets in fact made to fit Macauley governors?

As I recall, I didn't have any fit problems with the bracket. The oil cooler supply line right behind the bracket is a different matter.
what I've learned.....

If you are installing the MT governor on a Superior IO-360 it appears that the bracket does indeed poke up about 30 degrees above the horizontal. This means the control arm is now in the wrong place. You therefore will need to cut the wires on the six bolt heads that secure the control arm mechanism, loosen (do not remove) the bolts a little and then turn the control arm mechanism so that the arm points up at around teh 2.00 position,. It may be difficult to reolve the geometry, but the cable should be able to push the arm to the fully fine position.

the link shows the position of the bracket but with the control arm as supplied by MT -; Jim's picture shows the final result with the control arm suitably adjusted.

I hope that is all helpoful to a few more folks.
