
Well Known Member

Hanging my BPE IO-320-X on monday, and while mounting the MT prop govenor, took a look at the actuation arm, and tried to figure out its proper orientation. How should that arm be oriented to use the standard firewall penetration location for the prop, directly infront of the left seat? The arm is spring loaded, and I'm guessing that should be spring loaded towards full forward on the prop lever, and then pulled back (coarse pitch) against the spring?

Seems like the arm should be approximately at 1 oclock when in the full fine position, and back at the 8 oclock in full coarse pitch. When looking from the aft side of the engine.

Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

Okay, after doing a little research, I see that there is a bracket for the govenor, probably in the firewall forward kit box that is sitting under my plane. Is there a drawing associated with the firewall forward kit that I should dig up from my workbench???? That might be helpful! Does anyone know the number of the drawing for the 9/9A?

thanks again!

Hanging my BPE IO-320-X on monday, and while mounting the MT prop govenor, took a look at the actuation arm, and tried to figure out its proper orientation. How should that arm be oriented to use the standard firewall penetration location for the prop, directly infront of the left seat? The arm is spring loaded, and I'm guessing that should be spring loaded towards full forward on the prop lever, and then pulled back (coarse pitch) against the spring?

Seems like the arm should be approximately at 1 oclock when in the full fine position, and back at the 8 oclock in full coarse pitch. When looking from the aft side of the engine.

Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

I don't really know if this photo is applicable to your engine but this is how the MT governor and associated bracket is fitted to my OEM IO-360.

320 slightly different

Hey Rick,

The 320 installation is slightly different, as the bracket for the govenor goes on the aft end of the govenor, where the safety wired screws are. I had to remove the safety wire, remove three of the screws, loosen the other three to rotate the arm to the correct orientation, and then install the bracket. This, of course, wasn't discovered by me until I had removed the govenor completely, and then realized that I didn't need to remove it at all! Oh well, sure is fun. Really. :D

Thanks again!