
Well Known Member
I'm getting ready to build my pushrods and I noticed that I don't have enough -12 rivets. I cleverly also noticed that lots of people are using -11 (or cutting to that size) so I placed an order from Wicks for -9, -10, -11, and -12 length rivets.

What I got was MS20470AD4 rivets, which I think are the same as AN470AD4 (someone check me on this?). The odd thing is that the -9 and -12 rivets are the normal rivet color, the -10's are a bit lighter, but the -11 rivets are completely silver - the color of bare aluminum. My first thought is that there were soft aluminum, not anodized at all.

Has anyone else seen silver rivets before? Could they be "clear anodized"?

I just want to make sure they are OK because I plan to use them to hold on the aileron pushrods, which seem somewhat important...

Silver is OK and within the specifications...

Make sure that they are the "AD" type and have a dimple in the center of the manufactured head. This ensures that they are not the soft rivets you mention above.

gil A