
Well Known Member
You might have heard there is an Alberta Clipper headed towards the midwest. You have heard correctly..... Bad today and getting worse. -27degF on Tuesday and Weds nights. We just had -6 this morning, but no wind and lots of sun. Flight time!!!


Moxie came out to the airport to run around the hangar and the deserted ramp. When I decided to fly, I realized Mox could not stay in the car and there was stuff in the hangar she might get into, so I tossed her into the plane. I have flown lots of dogs, but not Miss Moxie.

Her look says she has seen my landings before.....


We checked out the frozen tundra and lakes.....



Mox settled in......she was a good leg warmer!



Pretty good time for cold day, and a few firsts. First flight for Mox and coldest flight to date for me!

Stay warm out there!
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I can't decide if I am more jealous of your airplane or your Boxer...

Moxie wins!!! What a lovely Boxer. I have had four, and miss them all so much...

After I lost my last Boxer, I flew rescues for various Boxer organizations. They are the most wonderful companions...

You are lucky to have her in your life.
Your a Great Man Pete

Everytime I see your posts it reminds me of how I contacted you years ago to help save a Boxer in our neighborhood that was being severely neglected.

We saved that beautiful dog that night with the help of you. My wife and I wonder many times where that gorgeous Boxer is today.

We lost our mini schnauzer to lymphoma 2 years ago and I miss him more and more everyday. Since then, we have gotten another beautiful salt/pepper mini schnauzer.

We love him dearly and cannot imagine our life without him. He has brought so much joy to our lives. Sometimes, I will have people tell me how in the world can you become so attached to a dog.

My simple response is if you owned one, you would understand. Dogs are gifts from God in Traci's and I opinion.

I cannot get home from work soon enough some days because no matter how bad work was that day life gets so much better when I walk through the door and I see Parker staring at me with those beautiful black eyes.

Darren & Traci Kerns
Brings reality to the bumper sticker "Dog is my Copilot"

Awesome shots! Shared them with a good friend who's rescued a couple boxers as well.