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Kilo Charlie

Active Member
Here is the deal, I am moving my girlfriend from Bellingham, WA to Cheyenne, WY and happen to be taking a 22’ moving truck to Vans for a cowl/engine mount pick up on June 29th. She has a small 2 bedroom apartment so a 22’ truck is over kill but it (diesel) will haul the Honda over the 8000’+ passes a lot better and the price was close.

My girlfriend is not looking for a 2 week road trip but if there is something on the way she said a stop would be OK. You can look on google maps for a trip from Bellingham, WA to Vans to Cheyenne, WY to see the route of travel. The plan is to be back in Cheyenne on Tuesday-Wednesday and the truck is not due back till Friday so it could be used as short term storage for a day or two.

Let me know if I might be able to help someone out.

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