
Chief Obfuscation Officer
Just need to blow off a little steam here...

First and foremost, I hate moving! A few weeks ago my wife and I bought a new house, and then quickly went into the mode of getting our current house ready and on the market for sale while the new house is being finished. Cleaning, painting and landscaping all took the place of drilling, deburring and riveting. It has now been almost a month since I have touched the RV, and it is killing me!

To make matters worse, during the past two open houses, our realtor has gotten comments that the garage is too small and doesn't look like a two-car garage. One realtor even questioned him as to why he listed the house as having a two-car garage when it doesn't. The problem is, with all the workbenches, tools, table, two wings in the works, bicycles and gardening stuff, the garage looks a lot smaller than it really is.

So, in an effort to expedite the sale of the house, I have rented a truck and bribed a friend... the tools, tables, jigs, tail feathers and wings are all headed for storage tomorrow. Ack! This means at least one more month of not touching the kit! <Insert expletives here!!!>

OK, just needed to vent a bit! Keep plugging away and smash some rivets for me!
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will do brad! :D

just think though...from what you told me, that new house is going to be soooo nice, and condusive to RV building! i'll see if i can catch your progress while your off moving! :eek: :p

Sounds like when you get the 7 done Van's will have the Flying Saucer kit available with the Flux Capacitor power drive.

Welcome to life!!! Now through a couple of kids into the mix. Easy for me to say, a single guy with adult kids on their own and my hangar out my kitchen door!!!!!
RV7Guy said:
Sounds like when you get the 7 done Van's will have the Flying Saucer kit available with the Flux Capacitor power drive.
LOL! Don't worry, I am still on the 3-4 yr plan. I am hoping however that Dynon will be offering a 20" EFIS by then. :D

Don't even start with the kids thing... that's just not funny! ;)
You need a little creative writing

RV7Factory said:
The problem is, with all the workbenches, tools, table, two wings in the works, bicycles and gardening stuff, the garage looks a lot smaller than it really is.

The problem is that your realtor is being too honest. You should modify the text in the ad:

- "Garage is big enough to build an airplane in!"
- "If the owner was skilled enough to build an airplane, imagine how well he maintained the house!"
- "No aluminum siding on this house (it all went into the owner's airplane)"
RV7Guy said:
Sounds like when you get the 7 done Van's will have the Flying Saucer kit available with the Flux Capacitor power drive.

Actually, Van's will only recommend up to the Ion drive as he feels the Flux Capacitor can push the saucer past Wne (warp-never exceed) during high altitude orbital operations...
Hang in there Brad! Once you get the house sold and the move made it will be worth it. I've been extremely busy with work and then we went to Georgia weekend before last and to Texas last weekend so my son could compete for scholarships. I figure that was about 8 good days I could have spent pounding rivets! :eek:

Actually I am glad glad to be able to have gone on these college visits with him. Now I hope he gets one of those full ride scholarships! :rolleyes:

PS Don't take to long with this move, I need someone to follow and prevent me from making to many mistakes. ;)
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I know exactly what you are going through. Last June I started crating up everything (mostly finished emp kit, middle of wing kit) and moved it all to Georgia. I think I spent several hundred dollars just on wood for the crates. Basically, I stopped working on the plane in June and didn't get started back until late Sept. Of course, I had Katrina cleanup duty at the old house mixed in with all that.

The good news is that the new house has a 3 car garage. So, at least I had something to look forward to.

Now, guess what? We have purchased a lot on a new airpark development. So... in about a year and a half I'll have to stop work on my plane so I can get the house built. Once again, the good news is I have something to look forward to.

However, I HATE MOVING! BTW, what ever you do, don't use U-Haul. They left me and my wife stranded on the side of the road for 23 hours. They even threatened us with abandoment fees if we left!!! Without a doubt they have the worse customer service I have ever seen.

Hang in there... But, beware, the light you seen at the end of the tunnel may be on the end of a proctoscope. :)