
Well Known Member
Moving the Oil Cooler Forward 1" - High Oil Tenmperatures

Just completed the process of moving the cooler. Thought I would post a link for those contemplating the same.

Here is a link to my photos and the info I collected from five others that did it before me. My thanks to all that helped me..... Dave Farmer, Pete Anderson, Bob Kibby, Torsten Leibold and John Albury.

Will paint and then will be awaiting the 95 degF days... 20 degF this morning, will they be back?

Will keep the link active for a few months. If it fails to work send me a PM via my VAF mailbox.
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Were your original Van's-supplied oil cooler hoses sufficiently long enough to attach to the relocated cooler?
Very helpful set of pics.

I'm just starting the mod process, and your pics answer several questions for me. Looks like you were able the bust part of the fiberglass flange apart from the lower cowling, rather than cutting the flange off. I'll be giving that a try...
Were your original Van's-supplied oil cooler hoses sufficiently long enough to attach to the relocated cooler?

I installed the thermostat and one of the hoses is not original. Others with the stock hoses have found the hose length to be sufficient.
Oil cooler

I moved the oil cooler forward an inch on the previous condition inspection (1 1/2 years ago). It helped a lot. Probably solved about 90% of the hot oil problem. During hot weather we can still run into the yellow now but nothing like before.

My results are about like David's.

Often in the yellow arc before the mod, now once in a while and drops out of it when I come back to cruise power. Original hoses are long enough-- barely! It's more of a hassle to get the lower cowling back on than before.

Wayne 120241/143M