
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding insurance for moving a kit? I recently bought a partially completed kit and I’m having it shipped by a small moving company. There will be several boxes and crates that they will load, move and unload for me. I want to get insurance for this, especially since winter roads may be a factor.

Call a standard aviation insurance broker (I use Gallagher, and am happy). Some of the companies they represent offer ‘builders insurance’, and some of these include transportation coverage. But the distance may be limited, you need to supply specific information to them. But the call is free.
Call a standard aviation insurance broker (I use Gallagher, and am happy). Some of the companies they represent offer ‘builders insurance’, and some of these include transportation coverage. But the distance may be limited, you need to supply specific information to them. But the call is free.
That's exactly what I did when I moved my kit. I purchased builders insurance which would have covered any damage during the move and then when it was no longer at my home. I used Gallagher. Just confirm that it will cover any damage by the third party move.
Call a standard aviation insurance broker (I use Gallagher, and am happy). Some of the companies they represent offer ‘builders insurance’, and some of these include transportation coverage. But the distance may be limited, you need to supply specific information to them. But the call is free.

Pretty sure builder's insurance only covers transport if you are moving the kit yourself. Doesn't cover transport companies but call to make sure. When I transported mine I couldn't lock in the insurance until I had the kit in my possession, problem I too possession late on a Friday afternoon and getting coverage locked in took every last minute before the insurance company closed.
Make double, triple sure they are transporting everything in a closed trailer. Ask for pictures when it's loaded. We had a customer contract to have a helicopter shipped from Texas to Michigan in February. He paid for an enclosed trailer but the shipper pulled a fast one and hauled it in the open. His blue (expensive custom airbrushed no less) helicopter was literally white with encrusted salt when it arrived. Salt was injected everywhere. We cleaned it up the best we could, but I'm sure it's a corroded mess by now.