
Well Known Member
Hey everybody, Its been a Loooong time since I've been on (Or pounded a rivet) but life's gotten in the way of things and now I'm faced with moving across the country in a week or so. (NW IN>Vegas)

Heres my question, what is the cost of replacement parts for an RV 9 HS and VS?

I'm not moving Furniture, just a 3/4 full Pod that the HS will not fit in. I talked to Tony Partrain and he doesn't have anything going my way that I could fit in on. At this point I'm thinking about writing off the completed HS and VS and just taking the rest, I'm only just started on the rudder so everything else is pretty compact and easy to take. Looking things over I'm almost certain that I can build both of them better anyway.

Thanks everyone!
On top

How about just wrapping them up real good with lots of cushion and strapping them on top of your car/vehicle. Not real fancy, but why not give it a try. Beats building the HS and VS all over again. Also, trucking/shipping costs might be less than the overall rebuild route. I just hate to see you having to rebuild everything, unless you just want to start over. If you decide to rebuild the emp., offer your completed parts for sale. Someone in your area might just come and get them and you can recoup your costs. just my $.02 good luck.
How about---------

UPS (or Fed Ex ETC) them, Leave them with a neighbor until Partain can get them, Lots of alternatives to consider. Greyhound bus is a good alternative also.

Hope you find something that will work for you.

If you can get them down here you're welcome to leave them in my hangar until you can make other arrangements...

Mine is a -7 but I had to rebuild my HS (don't ask) and the replacement parts were ~$400. It would have to be cheaper to get these parts shipped rather than rebuilding.

Jim McChesney
RV-7A finishing
Thanks guys, I'm going to attempt to stuff it in the POD, We'll see how it goes tomorrow, If it won't work I'll probably just store it at my parents house and worry about it more when the time comes to bolt it on.