
Well Known Member
Hi Guys, Posted the same over in the RV7 status forum, but that topic is getting so long, some of you might miss it and I know some of you enjoy these movies...


Progress has been slow on my RV side. I am currently in the USA for a business trip. I made the most of my 23 Hour flight here from South Africa and finally got around putting together my movie of the Firewall Forward, Engine hanging and Gear Install.

I hope you guys enjoy this instalment ;-)

Here is the YouTube version that should be up for ?ever?, but at low quality and resolution:

And for a limited time you can download the high quality BIG version from my website and save it to your computer?That is until I run out of bandwidth, then I?ll have to delete it, so be quick.

Kind Regards

PS: Thanks Caption_John for consolidating all my RV goodies I ordered and forwarding to my Hotel?
Very nice as usual Rudi! If you had not spent so much time taking photos you would probably be done with the plane by now. ;) I do appreciate your sharing the build with all of us in this manner. Thanks!

PS Captain John is a pretty good egg isn't he? :)
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Thanks Rudi

Your build pics, and especially your video's, are great encouragement to those of us behind you in the build phase. I would bet you'll have a real gem when you finish and fly it (and I can't wait for the video of that!)
Another cool video. My wife even enjoyed it.

Nice job Rudi

Except now I have that tune stuck in my head as I'm trying to go to sleep.

So, Rudi, as I watch your new video installment (with a little smile on my lips), I'm wondering what you get more injoyment out of, building your plane or making these videos? (Or perhaps "manicuring" your lawn?)

It appears that a "beginning-to-end" video may be in the works soon! I'd like to personally invite you out here to give me a ride! (Somewhere in the middle of Texas, USA.) :D

Continued success, "Mate".

BTW, how long have you been working on her, now?

Once again, a great video! Very inspirational!

You are very welcome! My pleasure.

John, thanks for the kind comments!

It is truly about the builder network. I have met more genuinely nice people building this plane. I guess it is the mindset and/or mentality required. We all must have much in common that we aren't even aware of!

:) CJ

I really liked the closing with you and your daughter. Nice finishing touch!


P.S. LED Navs on their way!
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Hi Jeff,

Thanks, it is nice to look back on my pictures and see the airplane grow, as she grows. :)
We were blessed with her, a couple of months after I started the airplane, so it is very satisfying seeing both 'grow'


PS: Thanks for the Nav's, the next video might have them in ;-)
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Rudy...Another outstanding presentation...thanks for sharing. My wife enjoyed your copilot standing on the tire....made us both smile.