
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
(duplicate post in here for the 'video archives')

This weekend, I passed the 1000 building mark. Yesterday I had a long slow day at work, waiting on people?so I use the time and made a movie showing the first 1000 hours of building in only 3 minutes of footage.
I used a lot of my 'slow stop animation photos', so it looks like the plane is building itself. It is well worth the download.
I hope you enjoy it...
The First 1000 HOURs of RV7 Building Movie Download
Big High Quality (26MB)
Small Low Quality (8MB)
Kind Regards
Rudi Greyling, South Africa, RV7 Tip-up, Current Status: Tipped the Fuselage.
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"Science, freedom, beauty, adventure...what more could you ask of life? Aviation offers it all" - Charles A. Lindbergh