
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

This weekend, I passed the 1000 building mark. Yesterday I had a long slow day at work, waiting on people?so I use the time and made a movie showing the first 1000 hours of building in only 3 minutes of footage.

I used a lot of my 'slow stop animation photos', so it looks like the plane is building itself. It is well worth the download.

I hope you enjoy it...

The First 1000 HOURs of RV7 Building Movie Download
Big High Quality (26MB)

Small Low Quality (8MB)

Kind Regards
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You had me rockin' here in my chair at work!!! Keep poundin' them rivets :D Rosie

If you don't make it as a pilot maybe Van's(or some other kit manufacturer) will hire you as a PR Man. How many of those 1000 hours were spent staging parts and taking photos? Fantastic production!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :cool: :cool: :cool:

That almost brought tears to my eyes man!! I could watch that over and over again (great music, BTW!!).

Simply AMAZING, great work!
Van's kits are more advanced than I thought!

Huh. I always thought that when builders said "these new kits practically build themselves" it was just an expression. So does the magic wand come with the preview plans then? :)
HOLY ****!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic Rudi!!!!!!!!!!! Keep that bad boy going. You might can sell it to Vans for advertisement one day... Now, was that a 1000 hours to build the plane so far or was that to take the pictures and edit them to create the video? ;)


Now THAT is impressive! I have never even seen a sliver of scrap aluminum on the shop floor, either. Is that 1000-hours building, or 1000-hours sweeping and vacuuming? :D

Nice work!

Great stuff, Rudi! With the amazing amount of attention to detail you seem to put into everything, I hope I get to see your finished RV some day. Very impressive.
Excellent stuff Rudi! It would take me 1000 hrs just to do the video alone!

maybe we'll stop over some day now that we're flying non stop to South Africa out of Atlanta

Well Rudi,
You seem to be to young to be retired allready! Where do you find the time to build and make this kind of movies ? Also I think your shop is to clean! I have my wife vacuuming the shop frequently, but she can not keep up with you!

Since you seem to have so much time on hand, maybe we will meet you some day flying around in Europe?

Greetings, Tonny.
Very well done!!, and Thanks!!

That video should have wider distribution than this web site. It demonstrates the professionalism of the amature-built process quite well and should have exposure to the non-aviation public. Maybe EAA could find a way to achieve this. I think it would generate very good, effective PR for this activity.
After reading all the great comments I couldn't wait for the download to finish. Well worth the wait. Nice job Rudi. Can't wait to see the next 600 hours. ;)
JohnK said:
snip...That video should have wider distribution than this web site...snip.
I respectfully disagree ;) .

I put a copy in the 'Video' section of the forums.


Man, those South African DAR's must be tough if you have to keep a builder's log like that!!!

That is unbelievably great in just about every way Rudi - keep on! :D

Too, too awesome...

Pilottonny said:
Well Rudi,
You seem to be to young to be retired allready! Where do you find the time to build and make this kind of movies ?

Rudi and Dan Checkoway seem to have learned Time Management in the same dimension - they effectively use 50 hours of each day!
And like Dan, Rudi makes you wonder - how can a guy do so much, so well, in such a short time?
RudiGreyling said:
I used a lot of my 'slow stop animation photos', so it looks like the plane is building itself. It is well worth the download.

I hope you enjoy it...
The understatement of the century! Rudi that was AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to get started but now I am VERY, VERY intimidated. Thank you very much for taking the time to put that together. I've already watched it twice. Best part it got me out into my garage and started organizing and cleaning it up so I can get going.

Again thanks!
Hi Guys,

Thank you for your kind comments... :D

To answer a couple of your questions:
Time and making the movie:
To make a movie like this is very easy. Got the idea way back when I saw the making of the Airbus 380 on the Discovery channel, they used slow stop animations. I have about 500 odd photos, so that translates in 1 photo every 2 hours so far. One photo every 2 hours is not a lot. I have bought a 2 cheap digital cameras. The one I have mounted on simple L bracket that I can screw down around fixed locations in the garage. The other digicam is on a simple tripod. When I think I need a shot I just move the tools out the way, walk up to the camera and press the button.

After a long time, you have enough photos to make it worthwhile. I download and sort the photos at work every week. I simply used Microsoft Movie Maker and literally within 4 hours on a long slow day at work 2 days ago made the movie. Movie Maker comes free with Widows XP. I guess 1% of the 1000 Hours was taking pictures. The sorting and movie making does not count since I do it in free time during lunch at work. It is my first build so I know I'm building slow, everyone does the first time...

The Shop so clean:
I build in the main garage and have most of the tools in the small hobby room right next to the garage. You can see the hobby room in some of the footage. Almost every night I pack the tools away. Every second day the garage also gets cleaned while I am at work. I typically I take a picture of the overall progress before I pack out the tools, while the garage is still clean and uncluttered with tools.

I am glad you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to distribute it.

PS: Jeff spotted a spelling mistake at 2:57 I'll fix it later the week and upload it again.

Kind Regards

Scott Will said:
Excellent stuff Rudi! It would take me 1000 hrs just to do the video alone! maybe we'll stop over some day now that we're flying non stop to South Africa out of Atlanta
Hey Scott,
I literally stay 5 minutes away from Johannesburg International Airport, You are welcome to drop in some day!
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Buiold Movie


OUTstanding ...
NOW we all have something to show the doubting relatives and friends that have been snickering behind our backs for the last 2 years ... AND its entertaining to boot!!

PLEASE keep this up, and post the updates.
I for one will be proud to pass it on to everyone I know.

The building dream is alive ...

Tom Sampson
N728MT ...
Ready to fly and just waiting on the FAA registration!!

That was just awesome!

And I thought I was doing good keeping my web site up to date!

As for the clean shop, after seeing that flick, no one is ever coming over to check out my plane again!

Keep up the outstanding work!

I also had to check my log book to see where I was at 1,000 hours. I had just bent the longerons. Man, you make me feel like I should be ridding the short bus.
Bitch'n video

Absolutely bitch'n video. Very motivational and Van's should consider putting a copy of a CD in the info packs when people order those.

A coupla issues though.

1) You have made probably 90% of RV builders look bad. NO ONE I know comes even remotely close to having a shop that clean. Despite the video there is a chance you could get voted off the RV Island if the next 500 hours of the video don't conform to the rest of us. :eek: Throw some rags on the floor, have some metal shavings in a shot, Tools laying around, do something.

2) The video may have caused some to give up. Seeing what you have done in 1000 hours is bad to those who are on the 5 or more year plan. :eek:

Seriously, great work. Now step away from the camera(s) and computer and keep building!!!!
Thanks Guys,

A couple of comments:

Kevinh: Thanks for uploading to YouTube...good idea to save bandwidth.
MarkEsterhuzen: Yes I know, our rugby team got a beating this weekend...
RV7Guy: Sorry it was not my intention to make anybody look bad. I just did it my way, hoped you guys would appreciate it. I'm a new builder, I ask a lot of questions and learn a lot, but then I also like to give a little back to the hobby I love. This is my way of given something back. I hope this would inspire MORE people to build not less.

Kind Regards
Van Dances to the Music!

Most of us know that the RV8 fuselage is now match drilled, so what do you think Van and Scott did during the forum for tandem and single seat RV?s last Thursday morning at Oshkosh? Rudi?s 1000 hour Video! Scott went through the video bit by bit using the images to explain how the matched hole process worked. After the explanation they cranked up the volume and played the video in its entirety. Van and Scott went on stage and danced to the music.

I absolutely agree - awesome video and very inspiring! Finish it to taxi and this one has got to go in the info pack! Man I am envious of that garage extension!
warren hurd said:
Most of us know that the RV8 fuselage is now match drilled, so what do you think Van and Scott did during the forum for tandem and single seat RV?s last Thursday morning at Oshkosh? Rudi?s 1000 hour Video! Scott went through the video bit by bit using the images to explain how the matched hole process worked. After the explanation they cranked up the volume and played the video in its entirety. Van and Scott went on stage and danced to the music.


What??? Presentation, Dancing ??? I hade no idea! :confused:

Van's General manager (Scott Risan) made contact with me and asked if they could use it in their display booth. I said yes with pleasure, thinking it was going to run on a PC in loop in the background. I had no idea it was going to be used as a presentation in a forum. If I did I could have put some more effort into it.

I Feel very Honoured. :D

Warren (or anyone that saw it), how did the forum go? Please give me more feedback, since I had no idea.

Thank You. Kind Regards
The RV Grin

Hi Rudi,
There were two RV Forums, A side by side forum and a single seat and tandem forum. The side by side was Wednesday and the tandem was Thursday. By the time of the Thursday forum, most everybody knew about the RV8 being matched hole. Van started out the Thursday presentation with a quick talk about the matched hole process. He the turned it over to Scott who introduced you video with due credit. He showed the whole thing stopping the video at further explain the process. They even talked about your garage. The intent was to show the matched hole process of the fuselage. I thought it was a bit funny to show tandem and potential tandem builders how to build a side by side. However the presentation was appropriate. At the end they stopped and gave credit again to . During the presentation of the video the mentioned the music and promised to turn up the volume during the full run of the video. During the full run Van and Scott started dancing on the stage. They did not dance for the whole video. I wish I had a faster camera. I would have loved a picture. Van had quite a grin.

Van and Scott then went to a question and answer session where it was hinted that the next project after the RV12 would be a single seater.

You done good!

(my catchy internet name :) )